This is simply truth being stranger than fiction. Here is an interesting museum to see in Zagreb.
original reddit post (removed).
This is simply truth being stranger than fiction. Here is an interesting museum to see in Zagreb.
original reddit post (removed).
“working on their marriage”
More like he is working on destroying their marriage while pretending this is somehow Watchtower and other's fault. I wonder if living in Zagreb is more convenient for his sex worker habit and/or whatever other vices he might have.
i fear this could put an end to travelling a territory due to rising prices- where i am located in canada, we are now paying $2.08 per liter .
now since there is 3.79 litres in one gallon that equates to $7.88 per gallon... .
how many in a car group will kick in?
Ouch! $11 is beyond outrageous. $5 and up locally and I am forced to ride my bicycle and buy a motorcycle.
original reddit post (removed).
How high are fuel prices in Croatia? He must be putting on plenty of kilometers on the odometer driving women for hours and his 50 minute commute to the bunker. My guess this year has been very expensive for Lloyd. Between having his income cut nearly in half, paying for vacations and whatever he pays Tibor, this can't be affordable for long.
i am reading a lot on quora digest about this chap joel osteen.
i and other brits have said that he is hardly known in the uk .
it has been asserted that he is filling stadiums over here.
If you search for Joel Osteen House, you'll see pictures like this. I think he doesn't need any more money donated his way.
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BLESS HER HEART... same facebook adress
I have parking space as well if he would like to ship his car to the Mid-west USA.
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I've moved into a new apartment in central Zagreb until the 20th and it lacks a parking space. Does anyone nearby have a spare space I can use, even if just for a couple of days?
Theory: if you have a car, and move someplace that doesn't have anywhere for a car to go, and ask if anyone has a space for just a few days ...
... could it be you're getting rid of the car?
Remember my theory about some people expanding their spending to match their income? What would you do if you got a car lease or loan and then your income dropped suddenly and unexpectedly?
Nothing but idle speculation of course.
Maybe James Lloyd Evans is planning on leaving Croatia. I wouldn't put it past him to sell the family car and abandon Dijana and the kids. I could easily see him leave the country and make it impossible for her to get any child support. I guess we will know in the next few weeks.
Note: this is merely an opinion based on previous observed behavior, only additional idle speculation.
the court of appeal of belgium acquits the watchtower for its shunning policy, ex-jw patrick haeck previously won.
he will see with his lawyers what to do next.
june 7, 2022..
That is too bad. Fighting Watchtower on shunning was always going to be an uphill battle.
original reddit post (removed).
Thanks for your feedback. We think differently and for a reason you may not be aware of.
I hope you continue to post anything relevant regarding Lloyd, including leaked private conversations. Lloyd needs exposed for the awful man that he is. How he treats Dijana by text is horrifying. This poor woman deserves a better man than this.
original reddit post (removed).
If you notice, he's always after getting people's information, as though he can't answer a reply online unless he knows where they live.
He has tried multiple times to get my information. All I have ever said is if he wants to show up at a particular airport, I will be there waiting for him. As for my name and home address, he can go to hell. Never, ever trust Lloyd Evans.