Public Service Announcement: I am not going to write a whole backstory on myself, I just simply want to get to the point.
I have been disfellowshipped now for almost 3 years, for I had a baby out of wedlock, not by my current boyfriend, but by a guy I was dating at the time- don't judge me ;) lol- my current boyfriend and I have been dating for a year now. I've met his family-only his parents, and his cousins family, of whom I knew before I met him, thus how i met him through a BBQ- at the time, he knew I was a single mom, and didn't know too much of my backstory.
As you can imagine, I had to tell him about how my babies father and I didn't work out, due to his wandering eye, and how I had little to no support due to being disfellowshipped, or as the "world" knows it by- disassociated- from my religion. He didn't get it!!! LOL! His family is the total opposite. They call him a few times a day, he lives with his dad, so he is with him everyday after work, when he isn't spending time with my little active toddler and I. His family has welcomed my daughter and I with open arms. His dad is very straightforward, and cusses like a sailor, his mom is a wonderful mid-west cook, and speaks her mind as well. They don't understand how and why my father doesn't want anything to do with me, (he's an elder) deep down I know that his parents probably think there is some undercover, shadiness going on that I did, and that's why their not in my life, and that I'm using the disfellowshipping as a cover-up.
They haven't said this outright but i always feel his dad is giving me the side eye, especially when i've recently had to deal with homelessness- twice- since being DF'd. I mean really homeless, like slept in my car three nights in a row when I was pregnant because I worked the swing shift and would sleep in the parking lot of a 24-hour grocery store until 7a when my father left, and I would go take a nap at the house, when I still had the key. From there, having an inactive sister let me stay at her home-in secret- while I was in my 3rd trimester, and on maternity leave. Then, I had to leave after that. From there, I stayed a few nights at my father's home after i left the sisters home, because she needed the room for her daughter and her husband who came from the army. My father said to me "You can stay one more night." Thats when I left after that "one more night!" I then went into a domestic violence shelter and was there for 6 months. Ok, I said I wasn't going to make this long, and I am. SO, let me get to the point....
I really am in love with this guy, he loves me. His family has accepted me and my daughter. The problem I have is, and his mom had stated this on the phone recently when we were having girls talk, and I brought up how me and him had been together for a year. She said, "he hasn't met your family yet," I always get down about it, because I know how important that is to him, how important it is to me, he's a great guy, but my father doesn't want to meet someone who isn't a JW, if they are in a relationship with me, hell, he hadn't properly met my childs father yet and shes almost 3! My father doesn't even have a relationship with me, or his grandchild. I mean he did come to the hospital, and since the incident had treated me as a business, only contacting me, or responding if it was about money. Other than that, he never ask how we are doing, and doesn't even know if were on the street, as recently I moved out of my room for rent into another shelter, because a sister I know around my age, has two small children, shes a single mom, and needed someone to help her with rent, she met me because she was disfellowshipped too, but she is reinstated now, but still contacts me, they threatened her-along with my dad- if I moved in with her, she would be Df'd too! This was in October of this year, and still my dad hasn't checked to see if we're okay.
I guess i'm ranting at this point, but I don't know what to do about the family issue. As, I haven't spoke to my sister since I was in my 1st trimester, my sister-in-law-my brothers wife- and I got into it, because I sent a text that said "it takes a village to raise a child," and she went off on me, so I went off on her, alcoholic ass, how are you going to judge me when you stopped going to the meetings and was drinking 17 bottles of beer on the wall!
Advice? I know this is all over the place. :(