JoinedPosts by OneFingerSalute
You tell me, does God give a damn?You tell me , do God give a damn?In one word. . .NO!
by James Mixon in2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
I have no idea what happened. I have been having issues with hi-liting comments, or quoting. Not sure what is going on. Maybe some spooks from off that alleged pro- JW site I was reading? -
For Those of You Who Still Serve... How Do You Do It?
by Kingdom Evader innew here... been lurking for some time now.... i still serve... but with each passing day, it gets harder and harder.
i'm slowly... slowly working on my wife (i call her mrs. hardcore) and even my m-i-l (who taught my wife how to be hardcore).
making some amazing progress... they are still hardcore... but unrecognizable from a couple years ago!.
"...if you stick to the Bible, what can they really say?"
If it's good for a gibbering body member to say that, surely I can say it too!
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You tell me, does God give a damn?You tell me , do God give a damn?In one word. . .NO!
by James Mixon in2005...three billion people live on less than $2.50 a day.
at least 80% of humanity lives on less.
than $10.00 a day.
Is it worth making a JW Talk profile?
by Lemonp ini have looked at the jw talk forums every now and again.
is it any use making a profile to get in?
mainly just to laugh at the pathetic discussion that they carry on with.
I slipped on over there some time ago and created a profile. Funny thing was I parroted all the governing pope worshiping buIIshlt on any comment I made and those assholes still banned me, even though NOTHING I said was against their cult mantra's!
I even used my name and they ASSumed it was fake!
Well they put the final nail in the coffin containing the last vestiges of any desire to be associated with those assholes, thank GOD! Now I will be even more forceful in my comments at the meetings I must endure for the sake of family in this "captive" religion!
I hope they all rot and burn in hell when they get there!
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Deconstructing Splanes 'Generation' explanation
by Splash inat around 4 minutes into the september 2015 video splane said "for the man and the baby to be part of josephs generation they would have had to have lived at least some time during joseph's lifespan.".
this is the lynchpin of the wt argument, that two lives must overlap to be considered the same generation.. let's take an example of twins who are born just a few minutes apart.
obviously, these twins are the same generation as each other.
I am really excited about this "new" explanation of what a generation is.
My great-grandfather was born in the early 1860's. His son, my grandfather was of the same generation being born before GG died. My father was of the same generation as his father, who was of the same generation as my great-grandfather. Still with me? Now I am of the same generation that my father is because we are both still alive. Now seeing that my father, and his father are of the same overlapping generation as my great-grandfather, and I am of the same generation as BOTH of them, that means I am of the same multiple overlapping generation as my great-grandfather. And we were only born one hundred years apart.
So, i know that isn't the exact way Splane 'splaned things, but it makes the same amount of sense.
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New Geoffrey Jackson statement on Royal Commission's webpage!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Viva la Vida incheck his signature... it looks kind of childish/feminine (at least in my part of the world)... is this a grown man's signature for you?.
Noticed too that the assertion was made that "guilt" was already established as an assumption.
Then he claimed that the referred to verses only dealt with the woman's fault, using the statement that prior verses mandated two or more witnesses.
If they are going to take that literally in that manner, why do those nit wits shave their faces? Lev. 19: 27
Straining out the gnat while gulping down the camel!
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Are Elders Becoming Disposible Diapers for the Watchtower Organization? Evidence Suggest Yes!
by ReligionOfHatred inthere is a set of videos many of you watched where the elders on those videos said "the society is going to use the full weight of their legal might to get them removed!
" it's been almost three or four years and those videos are still up on the internet helping people leave the organization or never join after seeing the high group mind control methods employed.. i thought it was only stupid people that got stuck in this religion(my kh was what i based this on), instead i have met many members on this website and others who are high achievers, very smart and definitely would have kicked ass in our world.
unfortunately, many of our friends here were greatly disadvantaged by being "second generation, "third" or "fourth" or "5th gens" and so their parents parroted "the end is near!
Are elders becoming disposable diapers?
I would have to answer "No" and "Yes". They cannot be disposed of, but they are full of shit!
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TV.JW.ORG (September 2015) - Generation explained again
by Designer Stubble inguess the overlapping generation concept is difficult for most to comprehend.
david spane does his best to explain it again.
the cutoff date for this generation has now moved to 1992 (was once 1935), the year that fred franz died.
Many, many of them will just lap up and swallow whatever the GB tells them
Reminds me a little of what someone once said many years ago as written in the bible at Matt. 23: 23-24
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TV.JW.ORG (September 2015): Serving Single - Do not use JW dating sites!
by Designer Stubble inaround the 39:00 minute mark the focus shifts to a single sister who cannot find a mate.
at the 42:30 minute mark she states "i cannot believe it crossed my look on jw dating sites".
guess a new unwritten rule is added to the many oral traditions of these pharisees.
baldeagle is pretty much right in my location also.
Many single "sisters", few men. But, the truly eligible "sisters" were all waiting for super-JW. Plus the rest were (I know this isn't PC) either very physically/mentally unhealthy, very obese, or had several kids from their previous "worldly" husband, all looking for a financial gravy train. If a man was not a JDubya drone with status or money they were not considered a good marriage prospect. But that is just perhaps my opinion here.
Is your "family worship" night getting stale? Here are some ideas....
by stuckinarut2 inso we know that the organisation has been strongly encouraging family worship evenings, right ?.
wow what an "amazing and new idea" witnesses say .... it seems that it has been done for ages by the mormons .
so here's some fantastic ideas for witness family worship evenings :.
why was it necessary to pass a law not to sleep with a sheep?
Because that was a baaaaa d thing to do.
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