my family goes back 3 generations, 4 if you count my Bible Student grandparents.
Sorry Blondie I have to disagree. According to WT that is only one giant overlapping generation.
just got my annual advertisement from illinois international travel (apparently run by jws).
for $1,199 i can take a tour from september 17-25. why are they printing so much bible literature if the witnesses are supposed to be using tablets?.
saturday: first stop at new yorks newark airport, then transferred to a marriott hotel.
my family goes back 3 generations, 4 if you count my Bible Student grandparents.
Sorry Blondie I have to disagree. According to WT that is only one giant overlapping generation.
it seems like the watchtower is still encouraging "theocratic warfare".
in the no.1 watchtower of 2016, they (ironically) printed an article on is something they said:"lyingwhat is it?
saying something false to someone who is entitledto know the truth.
I noticed that loophole also.
From now on not one single one of the eldurrs is entitled to the "truth" from me. Another WT printed get out of jail free card that can be thrown back in their faces if they accuse someone of "lying".
hello everyone!just a little background info, i haven't been to a meeting in over a year.
my wife has asked me to go with her tonight to help watch our son since it's the circuit overseers wife wants to be able to pay attention and get something out of the meeting since our son is 1yr old he can be a handful some times.. a few things of note about the situation:.
- i'm going to the meeting no matter what.
"We've missed you."
Well that makes ONE of us!
"Are you going to start coming back?"
What do you mean start? What do you call tonight?
"Wasn't that a wonderful meeting!"
Yes? I really enjoyed the end!
[note: copy/pasted this with permission from reddit.].
once each year, the governing body writes a direct letter to the congregation members included in the yearbook.
in his annual message to the catholic faithful (urbi et orbi) delivered on christmas day, the pope spoke about world peace, terrorism, and the refugee crisis.
They had removed their tattoos. . .
Really? From what little I know about tattoo removal it isn't particularly easy to do, let alone by oneself, and involves some measure of discomfort. Maybe the gibbering body thinks all tattoos are like the temporary ones children wear?
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
Why is it that this "anointing process" (nice pick up on that term, prologos) has never been described by those who have gone through it?
According to one goofball I knew in the late seventies early eighties, who came from Nigeria it was an angel of fire that appeared to him in a vision amidst many flashes of lightning and thunderclaps that touched him with a scepter of pure white diamonds and specifically told him he was anointed and to start partaking.
I am sure it was that same angel that told him to repeatedly plunge his newborn baby into a tub of ice water whenever it cried, and that he should have many, many sexual partners other than his wife and impregnate them too.
What a f--king loon!
if this has been discussed i missed it.
i think the january study watchtower is a concerted attempt to reduce the numbers claiming to be anointed.
but i love the sneaky way they go about it this time.
Jehovah’s spirit works with equal force in those who have the hope of living forever on earth.
This statement is one that is worthy of saving. If asked abut the self-proclaimed importance and specialness of the gibbering body one can pull out their own words and throw back in their face.
i remember going out with other jws after the memorial.. small gatherings.. picnics at some local landmark.. the feeling of closeness, camaraderie, friendship with like minded people you could trust.. haven't experienced it since i left.. really miss that..
JDubya's have a great sense of community. . .however the camaraderie that used to exist in some locations has all but ceased thanks to the insane, idiotic rules about gatherings subtly promoted over the last couple decades by the gibbering body.
Philippians 4: 8 has become one of the most unacknowledged, perhaps even reviled scriptures in the J Dubya arsenal of personal attacks and control. IMO.
the date of the letter is october but it was just released today, 2015-12-22..
Locally the congregation voted to spend one thousand dollars for a KH computer. Then just a few months later were quilted into basically sh-t canning it (sold it to a brother) for pennies on the dollar so they could buy the latest, greatest, shiniest new gadget to show their 1984 governing body TV videos. Now they are agitating to get rid of that and "upgrade".
Meanwhile the monthly account report shows the congregation cash flow is in the red by about 30% every month, and local needs keeps yammering on about "give more". . .!!
I give nothing anymore.
Probably talking about money(about giving Jah, valuable things)
Just last night, again, as a matter of fact.
earlier this season i advised my retired father to ignore the use of a tablet during his kingdom hall congregational visits.
his response was hopefull, but between the lines i could hear he had no choice.. yesterday he showed me his new 600 euro 64 gb ipad air 2. he had no clue what he has to do with it, he told me one of the elders will install the apps.. so, i feel he had to deal with presure to buy this ipad and i think he is not the only one.. do you recognize this?.
there is a limit to how much straw (long yellow grass) a camel can carry on its back.
if you keep putting more straw on top, it will finally break the camel's back.
when you are at the last straw you are finally angry and will not take any more.. my moment (to stop attending all watchtower meetings) was after the harsh treatment from the elders and fellow congregation members of my second cousin who was disfellowhipped as a teenager.
Final Straw? It's a toss up between the fellow who made BIG contributions to the local KH and all the while he was embezzling from his business, withholding pay from his employees, evading taxes, getting drunk several times a week, cheating on both his first and second witness wives with "worldly" women, and was appointed a MS than an elder.
Or it could be the unloving, belittling, vengeful way my elderly frail parents are currently being treated I their congregation.