Did they actually say that anyone not "reaching out" was going to lose their salvation?
No, they didn't say, "If you don't reach out you lose your salvation." That would have been too obvious. The bro giving the part said that many loved Jesus but would not become his followers, choosing to follow him from a distance. He then went on about how some today love Jesus but follow from a distance. And then drew the comparison to "reaching out". I do wish I had his exact words recorded, but. . .
He said those who followed Jesus at a distance then lost the chance at life, and today those who do not follow Jesus closely, but rather at a distance also will lose out on everlasting life. Then he said that baptized males who held back from "reaching out" for MS/Elder were in effect loving Jesus, but following at a distance.
The inference was plain for anyone to see, unless they are blindly following the governing body.