JoinedPosts by OneFingerSalute
Peer presure to use Ipad
by Gorbatchov inearlier this season i advised my retired father to ignore the use of a tablet during his kingdom hall congregational visits.
his response was hopefull, but between the lines i could hear he had no choice.. yesterday he showed me his new 600 euro 64 gb ipad air 2. he had no clue what he has to do with it, he told me one of the elders will install the apps.. so, i feel he had to deal with presure to buy this ipad and i think he is not the only one.. do you recognize this?.
And of course the slot for recording video showings in field serve us on the monthly lie sheet will definitely indicate who is "spiritual".Link +1 / -0 -
What was your ''the last straw that broke the camels back'' moment
by RULES & REGULATIONS inthere is a limit to how much straw (long yellow grass) a camel can carry on its back.
if you keep putting more straw on top, it will finally break the camel's back.
when you are at the last straw you are finally angry and will not take any more.. my moment (to stop attending all watchtower meetings) was after the harsh treatment from the elders and fellow congregation members of my second cousin who was disfellowhipped as a teenager.
Final Straw? It's a toss up between the fellow who made BIG contributions to the local KH and all the while he was embezzling from his business, withholding pay from his employees, evading taxes, getting drunk several times a week, cheating on both his first and second witness wives with "worldly" women, and was appointed a MS than an elder.
Or it could be the unloving, belittling, vengeful way my elderly frail parents are currently being treated I their congregation.
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Warwick project "ahead of schedule?"
by stillin inthis is what a brother said at the meeting today.
he has been working there as a volunteer.
but my impression was that the toxic waste debacle set the project back seriously.
Sounds like we could have been at the same KH today. Same comment made where I was.
Blatant Lie, or Unwitting Contradiction?
by OneFingerSalute injust a comment here about the idiocy of this mornings wt.. in one paragraph that was yapping about faith and prayer the writers made the statement that faith could be shown by praying for material things, not just spiritual things.
they used the "give us this day our daily bread" quote.. a couple paragraphs later they said prayers are only answered if they were in harmony with god's will.. so i guess it is god's will that my frail very elderly parents are virtually ignored by the congregation they are in.
i guess it is god's will that after over 135 years combined time in duh troof between them they are kicked to the curb, accused of being selfish, unloving and they are laughed at and ridiculed by the eldurrs, the eldurrs families, and sheeple in general because of the frailties of old age.. they (that congregation) will be damned by god for their cruelty..
Just a comment here about the idiocy of this mornings WT.
In one paragraph that was yapping about faith and prayer the writers made the statement that faith could be shown by praying for material things, not just spiritual things. They used the "give us this day our daily bread" quote.
A couple paragraphs later they said prayers are only answered if they were in harmony with God's will.
So I guess it is God's will that my frail very elderly parents are virtually ignored by the congregation they are in. I guess it is God's will that after over 135 years combined time in duh troof between them they are kicked to the curb, accused of being selfish, unloving and they are laughed at and ridiculed by the eldurrs, the eldurrs families, and sheeple in general because of the frailties of old age.
They (that congregation) will be damned by God for their cruelty.
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Changes to reporting
by Formerbrother inso it seems placing literature is not so important anymore, now that we live in a digital age.. we are being pushed to show videos instead.
this is the new reporting from next month, just hrs and any literature placed in one box and then how many videos you showed in another box.. bib changes for sure..
"Just another way to measure ones "spirituality." "
That is true. A not so subtle way to force the sheeple to buy the latest electronic gadget and follow orders.
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Give us more faith WT
by Formerbrother inwhat a picture in this sundays wter.
the go bag is there and they have to turn all the lights out and have their meeting in secret.. .
in our congregation we are really being pushed hard to get your go bags in order for every member of the congregation, with at least 3-5 days food and water.. .
I noticed the photo also. They have "evidently" blocked themselves into the room. Notice the difference in block where a door used to be?
Oh well their provisions in the "go bags" will last a few days, then they can eat each other.
I wonder though where their tablets are? What happened to jay double u dot org? What happened to the jay double u governing body TV?
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By Their Own Words
by OneFingerSalute inthe internet is a great tool as we all know.
i found this quote from the early book millions now living will never die to be very interesting as it seems to be the exact opposite of what jdubya's practice.
just another example of the double-speak they engage in.
The internet is a great tool as we all know. I found this quote from the early book Millions Now Living Will Never Die to be very interesting as it seems to be the exact opposite of what JDubya's practice. Just another example of the double-speak they engage in. I printed this out with certain words bolded to potentially use when asked why I ask questions that no good Dubya should ask. I thought it was also an interesting application of their fall-back Bible verse in Psalms about light getting brighter.
Error always seeks the dark, while truth is always enhanced by the light. Error never desires to be investigated. Light always courts a thorough and complete investigation. Light and truth are synonymous. They are progressive, and "the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day". (Proverbs 4 : 18)
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More Silly Stuff from videos
by OnTheWayOut inthis is a facebook link and i just can't bring myself to dig into jw .
org and find it.there's no trick here, but i think you have to be logged in to see it.
if anyone could figure out how to repost this, that would be great.
"For the sake of argument. . ." There can be no "argument" with these self-appointed jokers interpretations of the Bible.
Now "let's assume. . ." Well we all know what happens when one does assume. It makes an ASS of U and ME.
Also what was with the explanation brother baldy gave of what "we" thought a generation was? That isn't what I remember being taught. I know, I know, don't try to make sense of non-sense.
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Simon. Persistent unread message error.
by nicolaou infor the last few days i've seen a nice green unread pm indicator even though there are no new messages (which is dreadfully sad).. not really a problem but thought it might be worth waving my arms and shouting about in a new topic.
and maybe get a few pity messages in my inbox .
2015 Providing Comfort For The Grieving!
by Atlantis innot exactly the time or place to be pushing your religion!.
.. posted on a jw website.. .. providing comfort for the grieving.. .. click the green download button..
.. .. wtunderground!.
I am surprised they canceled meetings and field service.
I'm not sure the WTB&T$ cancelled them. I would place money on the French government having something to say about it with the declared state of national emergency though.
Meanwhile in any event why didn't they "trust God" and "obey God as ruler, rather than men"? Don't they really believe what the spout off about?
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