There's actually a lawsuit against facebook twitter, and the biden adm.
JoinedPosts by pistolpete
Censuring medicine and information; our new culture.
by was a new boy in'last night's flccc weekly update featured stories of families who fought in court to compel hospitals to give their loved ones ivermectin.
that it has come to this is tragic.
63 studies have now shown ivermectin’s efficacy in all stages of c19 disease.'.
The (IN)Consistent teaching about VACCINATIONS from JW leaders
by Terry invaccinations.
how many deaths were instigated which could be prevented?watchtower policies against vaccines left faithful sheep vulnerable to horrible consequences.antitoxins and vaccines against diphtheria, tetanus, anthrax, cholera, plague, typhoid, tuberculosis, and more were developed through the 1930s.. 1921 - "vaccination never prevented anything and never will, and is the most barbarous practice" - golden age oct 12, 1921, p.17.
1923 - "vaccination, summed up, is the most unhygienic, barbaric, filthy, abhorrent, and most dangerous system of infection known.
When I first starting learning that the Watchtower demonized vaccines I was shocked.
Not that the Watchtower demonized vaccines, -------but that thousands of members followed a small group of men who had little or no education in the matter"
They were a religious group----not scientist.
I was in college then, and became fascinated that large groups of people willingly followed anything printed on newspaper or anything said on television "By Anybody" as Pure Fact.
So I started taking extra non-credit classes on human behavior and come to find out that "Humans" in general, are very gullible and easy prey to very clever ruthless people., who are harnessing the worst qualities in human nature.
It usually takes being conned one time to figure out that people can't be trusted. Even those with good intentions. Each of us have to consider carefully the decisions we make based on our own individual health.
A good example of this is the latest Covid virus.
Some healthy people catch it an die.
Some very unhealthy people catch it and don't die.
Some "experts say the vaccine is not to be trusted, other experts Demand that you get the vaccine or be cancelled"
Politicians use it as a tool to control the masses and obtain more power.
What a crazy world we live in - huh!
It takes a while, but eventually a person finds his way out.
by pistolpete init hard to believe------you don't have the truth.. sometimes, for many----it takes half of your life -- or more---to figure it out.
it was like swimming upstream with lead boots pulling you back in.
and the closer you got to the "real" truth----the further away you strayed from your intimate group.
Jes9087654 Welcome to the forumIt takes time to figure out what to do. That being said, don't do anything drastic like Disassociate. All that will do at this point is cause you to lose your entire network of support,which is not a good thing.
If I don’t da myself how can I keep on living such a lie. Just keep on being unhappy inside but staying with my with my family
You can be happy by knowing that you are working on some type of plan which in many cases takes quite a while. For some it takes years.
In the meantime just enjoy the nice things of being with family and be patient because the journey is usually kind of long.
Keep doing research but don't feel like you need to make any drastic changes immediately that you will regret later on.
Like the video, it takes a while to get your things in order.
It takes a while, but eventually a person finds his way out.
by pistolpete init hard to believe------you don't have the truth.. sometimes, for many----it takes half of your life -- or more---to figure it out.
it was like swimming upstream with lead boots pulling you back in.
and the closer you got to the "real" truth----the further away you strayed from your intimate group.
It hard to believe------you don't have the TRUTH.
Sometimes, for many----it takes HALF of your life -- or more---to figure it out
It was like swimming upstream with lead boots pulling you back in
And the closer you got to the "Real" TRUTH----the further away you strayed from your intimate group
It's an unpleasant journey-------when you wake up by yourself.
Unfaithful spouse
by Worstfear inmy wife and i have been together for 12 years.
married for 6. she was born into the truth, i studied for 2 years before we got married.
we would attend meetings on a weekly basis, go to conventions, and memorial every year.
She was always so level headed and sincere
Welcome Worstfear, Sorry you are going through this.
Humans are very unpredictable! Sometime we are rational and sometimes we totally lose it.
That may have been the case with your wife.
I think people are starting to find out this fact. There is even a new group of men that seems to be growing in leaps and bounds. They call themselves "MGTOW" or Men Going Their Own Way
There are tons of sites where men discuss why "marriage is not working anymore"
I think the old idea of finding the Prince or Princess and living happily ever after was more of a fairy tale than reality.
Humans face all kinds of obstacles that make it very difficult for this to come true in ALL CASES. A very few do find a soul mate and live some 50-80 together, but that's not the norm in reality.
As sad as this is for you, you must try very hard to move on. There are literally hundreds of millions of women who have also gone through the same experience you are going through right now. In their case, their husbands pull the same crap your wife pulled on you.
What everyone told you here about protecting your assets is very important. Get a lawyer immediately to help you navigate the laws in you State and what she might try to do to you.
Here's a little experience from a MGTOW site.
Is this New Light coming or just some crackpot?
by pistolpete inthis experience was posted about a year ago.
it seems like a crackpot co was giving his prediction of what "might possibly happen in the future" .
now it seems like he wasn't such a crackpot after all.. quote.
So Jehovah has completed the preaching work without any preaching at all in China, North Korea, Singapore, Saudi Arabia
You know how they are------a generation can be an Overlapping Generation----and it makes sense to the members.
Is this New Light coming or just some crackpot?
by pistolpete inthis experience was posted about a year ago.
it seems like a crackpot co was giving his prediction of what "might possibly happen in the future" .
now it seems like he wasn't such a crackpot after all.. quote.
This experience was posted about a year ago. It seems like a crackpot CO was giving his prediction of what "Might possibly happen in the future"
Now it seems like he wasn't such a crackpot after all.
Is this New Light coming or just some crackpot?
So my brother got a call from one of his elder buddies living somewhere in the Western part of the Country. This elder is very well off and all the CO s usually stay at his home when they visit, probably because he gives them a couple of thousand dollars in an envelope after their visit.
But what I found interesting is what a CO told this elder. Now just to put this upfront, the CO made a disclaimer that the Governing Body “Did Not Say This” ------BUT-----there may be “Reasons” to believe this is possible in the near future.
The CO said something along these lines;
You know brother; the fact is that we are living in “The Last Page” of this system of things. There is no way this world can continue much longer.
Brother, the preaching work is DONE!
The reason Jehovah has allowed the virus to stop the preaching work temporally is so we can focus on our family.
The only thing we are doing now is helping our own family to stay in the truth and not get destroyed during the Great Tribulation. We need to focus on getting our children baptized and dedicated to Jehovah before it's too late.
What many of us don’t realize is that Jehovah is starting to make last minute changes on what kind of steps the organization needs to make in order to assure the survival of all the faithful ones that are obedient to every word coming from Jehovah’s mouth.
What many fail to see, is that God’s Words shows us that not all of Jehovah’s witnesses will survive Jehovah’s Judgment of this world and it practices. For example, what does the Bible show us with regard to how many of God’s people made it into the promise land? Only Joshua, Caleb, and the Levites made it into the promise land, the rest were killed off by either divine judgment or old age. What happen to Lot’s wife even though she was part of the family that worshiped Jehovah? She became a pillar of Salt. What happened to the Nation of Israelites who carried Jehovah’s Name. They suffered destruction by the Babylonians and Romans and now they are completely abandon by Jehovah.
How many of the 8 million Jws do you think are actually going to survived? Do you think any JW that is looking at apostate sites is going to be allowed into the paradise by Jehovah? I guarantee you that Jehovah does not put up with Secret Disgusting Sins. You know the scripture, "One cannot partake of the table of Jehovah and the table of Demons.
Know this brother, a large number of Jws will probably not make it into the New Order because of secret sins. Don’t be surprised if it more than Half of the members just won’t make it!
Now at this point I stopped my brother and was like WTF. This type of thinking is completely WACKED. Imagine if the members that had given up everything for most of their life had heard this CO say these things.
Then he started telling the elder this scenario that “Might Happen” in the future.
Brother, “What If” the Governing Body tells us that the Generation Jesus was speaking about in reference to the last day – Started when Jesus died and went to heaven to sit at God’s Right Hand. Think about it. That was when Jesus in a limited way started ruling as King from heaven. True that He had to wait “For a little while until God put his enemies under his feet by means of the preaching work.” But in reality that is when Jesus started ruling. And the Generation that Jesus was talking about was not a “Human Generation, but instead was a GENERATION OF THE WICKED SYSTEM OF THINGS” This Generation is a little over 2000 years old brother, it can't go on much longer.
I wanted to add, that this explanation would end the 1914 last days doctrine.
Then the CO starts asking the elder;
Will you be faithful if the Governing body decides to have most of the meetings on Zoom? Will you be faithful if a new arrangement came out that only specified Sunday meetings in a large Kingdom Hall and the rest of the meetings and conventions could be access through Zoom------with only a small fee.
Now think about this brother, what is more loving on the part of the Governing Body, to have the brothers who are suffering financially because of the pandemic travel far to conventions? Or to avoid all that travel and cost by just paying a small fee-say perhaps of $300, to watch it on video or Zoom?
And also brother, what if all you had to do is report that you preached for the month and not worry about writing how many hours you made? Wouldn’t that be great.
What if the Governing Body got rid of most of the Circuit Overseers and asked the brothers who were financially able, to care for these brothers and their wives. What would a faithful brother who wanted to please Jehovah do? Brother If my wife and I had no place to live, would you let us starve or freeze to death?
Of course the elder said NO!
Now at this point my brother asked the elder what he thought about all this? ;” The elder told my brother; “You know, it makes sense!”
Like I said at the beginning, the CO made a disclaimer that the Governing Body has not said this will happen.
I’m not sure what all this was to be honest. Perhaps the CO has heard some things and is worried he is going to lose his position. Or perhaps the CO is just a crackpot.
But nothing surprises me anymore. When an organization convinces all its members that an Overlapping generation is the same thing as One generation, I don’t put nothing past them anymore. We'll just have to wait and see what the next few years will bring.
Phizzy and Stan livedeath
by Fadeaway1962 inanyone heard from these guys ?
it's been a while since they have posted ..
Phizzy yes----Stan livedeath --NO!
I worry about these old timers and Covid.
Even if God exists…….
by snare&racket ini’m an atheist.. let’s assume i am wrong, i am willing to be.. let’s give people a god, let’s even make him the god of the bible…... does he deserve to be worshipped and obeyed?
if so, why does his abhorrent actions not morally make you question allegiance to him?.
does his authority alone allow him to murder and drown and order war, to throw people into a lake of fire?.
The people of Samaria must bear their guilt, because they have rebelled against their God. They will fall by the sword; their little ones will be dashed to the ground, their pregnant women ripped open." (Hosea 13:4, 9, 16 New International Version)
Yea that doesn't sound like God
It sounds more like that next sequel Avengers vs Thanos Marvel movie
With the exception that the villian - Thanos didn't go that far in inflicting Pain.
He just dissolved half the Universe PAINLESSLY.
Those ancient bible writers sure had a very bloodthirsty imagination.
Does christianity induce insanity?
by fulltimestudent inthis is happening in western australian indigenous communities .... quote: "some american-based preachers are distributing emails and videos warning that covid-19 vaccines are evil and the work of satan, and the notion has infected some christian communities in the west australian outback.. veteran aboriginal health worker kathy watson said people spreading false information about the covid-19 vaccination and its links to the devil were "mad".".
see more at:
Tony Morris in that trench coat looks like the guy in High Anxiety.