Anony Mous
will also note your intellectually dishonest quote of the statistics. Within the age group of 0-18, the total number of deaths from COVID was < 300 for the entire 2 years we had this disease, the majority of those were already immunocompromised (eg. cancer, transplant patients, HIV etc). The VAERS reports of myocarditis and pericarditis which can lead to sudden and premature death currently stand at >1000 in the US. In Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, they have 6000 cases amongst their young people. That is an often permanent heart disease to fight against a disease you would otherwise not die from at all. Extrapolating the current data, the COVID vaccines will kill as much or more young people than they save. Again, not talking about the elderly, not talking about high risk groups. Healthy, young people
That's some pretty good information-------Thanks!