Dare I even mention this, the JW Broadcasts are an attempt to make the GB "shiny."
Twilight vampires, the worst kind~
((I'm sorry/not sorry, Twilight fans out there))
.... being a little facetious today.... :).
the february 2016 broadcast has got me thinking.
crosses are bad, they make jehovah sad, they are terrible, evil, frightening things to most jws.
Dare I even mention this, the JW Broadcasts are an attempt to make the GB "shiny."
Twilight vampires, the worst kind~
((I'm sorry/not sorry, Twilight fans out there))
i don't know if any thread has already been posted regarding this or not.
(if it has, then just disregard this posting!
) but, i thought about something with regards to the new, 6-episode stint of the famous show on fox, the x-files.
I'm a huge fan of The X-Files, and I can easily imagine the final image of the opening of the show changed with the phrase, "TTATT Is STILL Out There."
I can also see the poster hanging in their office wall with the phrase, "I Want To Believe," this time with a flying piece of garlic bread.
mailing packages with garlic bread enclosed to still in family.
although tomo's human hotdogs was as low as an alleged human could verbally go, tomo's fear-mongering was not an official video.. i'm wagering that the feb 2016 video will be pulled or adjusted.. what do you think, trash?.
court denies summary judgement for laurel jehovah's witnesses congregation.
a motion for summary judgement is denied in a case against the laurel congregation of jehovah's witnesses and some individuals over child abuse reporting issues.a lawyer for the congregation maintained that elders were exempted from reporting requirements under a state law because of clergy privilege and confidentiality.the case resulted from allegations that elders did not report an unlawful sexual relationship between a woman and a 14-year-old boy, both of whom were members of the jehovah's witnesses congregation.. download the court opinion here.
As I read through this thread, I could only sadly think of how my very-deeply-in Mom and relatives will continue to stick it out as Witnesses while crying out, "See, the worldly governments are trying to stop us like it was foretold! The last days are truly here!"
Wish I could throw a big box of calendars with pictures of bread at them...
something that gets little attention or not enough is the what kind of social behavioral people were the ones who started the watchtower corporation ?
c t russell was someone who got divorced from it would appear a lack of love and attention to his wife and the supposed attention he gave to a younger woman who had lived at his home together with his wife .. j rutherford built a lavish home in sunny and warm san diego and lived with his mistress and personal assistant, separated from his wife.
apparently hoarding and drinking alcohol as well when it was illegal by law to do so.. would either of these men qualify to be even elders in today's standards ?
Mom would probably say, "Well, they were imperfect like King David, but they still brought us the Organization!"
I agree, Russell and Rutherford would have definitely been elders in our time, maybe they'd be the ones condemning garlic bread in the broadcasts with much zeal, zest and zaniness. =___=;;*
although tomo's human hotdogs was as low as an alleged human could verbally go, tomo's fear-mongering was not an official video.. i'm wagering that the feb 2016 video will be pulled or adjusted.. what do you think, trash?.
I bet one of the GB or writers either really hates or is allergic to the ingredients used in this skit.
We should send them an expired supply of this stuff.
"With much love from the Free People outside of your bubble.
May you one day burst it. <3"
ours was on making use of phone witnessing and letter writing.
both ineffective and wastes of time.
another local cong.
joe134cd = (*shakes head*) The elder didn't give specific examples, but he did say that before you post something online, "Ask yourself, would you be able to share this story to the congregation, on televised news, or even to the Governing Body?"
Those were listed in that order...
They probably will backtrack and praise social networking to the max once it officially becomes a preaching method on field service reports (like what's your character word count or how much Internet data you've wasted Skyping/Facetiming someone). I think they've already included electronic media on the new report slips, but our congregation doesn't have those yet.
ours was on making use of phone witnessing and letter writing.
both ineffective and wastes of time.
another local cong.
Tonight's local needs talk was about the benefits but mostly dangers of social networking, particularly "untrue things being shared by online friends you don't really know like on forums."
(*waves enthusiastically to any lurking elders from my congregation*)
there is a brother that was read off in three cong because he is well known in area he was announced as df now when he is reinstated so he can talk to his family will they announce in all 3 cong so all 3 can clap for him including the pharisees?
A sister who was DF'd from our congregation for at least a decade was recently reinstated last month, and it was announced both at our hall and the one she and her parents currently attend.
Everyone clapped of course (pretty enthusiastically, too), but I don't think it was a coincidence that the following week, the sister had a big baby shower and all were invited...