I knew of an elder who was pushing 35 and was just moving out of his mother's house. He was taking the lead in our congregation, probably counseling other families on how they should live and didn't even know how to run a household himself. Somehow, he was able to find a sister to marry. I think he got engaged right before I faded.
JoinedPosts by NoviceLocs14
Jw mummies boys
by purrpurr ini've had the misfortune to encounter quite a few mummies boys in the cult.
men aged 20-40 who although in men's bodies think,act and behave like children.
their mother's had them tied to the apron strings tightly.
JW Kids Bullying My Daughter
by pale.emperor intrying not to type swearwords as i write this so bare with me.. my little 3yo attends meetings with her jw mum (who doesn't believe watchtower anymore but is stuck in because she relies on her family for help).
my mum (the one who tells people im dead) had a party for her grandchildren.
that's my 4 nieces and 1 nephew aged from 3yo-11yo.
My blood is boiling after reading this. I don't believe in disrespecting anyone's mother, so I won't talk about how evil one has be to shun her own preschool aged granddaughter just because her parent doesn't believe in a certain belief system anymore.
This is why I didn't even bother informing my own mother about the birth of my daughter. She chose to shun me after I disassociated. I know my mother, and I knew for sure she would take that out on her innocent grandchild. So I chose to spare my child from that poisonous environment. I know some may not agree with my choice, but it's what I chose to do.
I wish nothing but good vibes to you and your precious little girl.
I went Elder Hunting yesterday!
by Tight Pants Twinkle Toes inwin my first post i introduced you to tweedle dee and tweedle dum, ( surprise elders visit ).
well last sunday night i got phone call from t- dum, he informed me that t-dee was listening in, no doubt practicing his short hand.
t-dum went on to say how he was concerned that we were making the biggest mistake of our lives, yada yada.
Am I selfish?
by Jules Saturn intonight i had an argument with both my parents.
my parents are aware of my feelings towards the organization, and it saddens them because i am their first born son.
they had high expectations of me, my father dreamt of him and i serving together as elders.
Sharing the sentiments with everyone else. You're not being selfish at all. But I can relate with the feelings of guilt. That can take awhile to get over, but being free is worth it.
The REAL Reason I Stopped Going to Meetings
by NoviceLocs14 into sum it up in all one word...pride.. i've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-jw boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field.
but i was actually pretty regular for awhile.. my pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however.
i had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but i was really struggling now.
@scratchme1010 yeah, there are times I do get mad as hell for how I was treated. I wish I could've had the strength to stand up for myself back then and tell them to buzz off. I'm slowly working on being more assertive, but I must admit it is taking awhile for that "JW meekness" to wear off.
Who Is The Most Unlike-Able Member Of The Governing Body?
by pale.emperor invote here: https://goo.gl/hynuaz.
results will be here: https://goo.gl/xsxm2j.
I wanted to be different, so I voted for Sam Heard. Tony the Turd gives us a lot of comedic material, so I like him for that. But between Heard's humdrum voice, his imagined "appeal" and his disrespect for women, he takes the cake for me.
The REAL Reason I Stopped Going to Meetings
by NoviceLocs14 into sum it up in all one word...pride.. i've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-jw boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field.
but i was actually pretty regular for awhile.. my pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however.
i had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but i was really struggling now.
Lol now that was another story. After my "double life" unraveled, the elders went in full attack mode. Since they couldn't call me (because I changed my number), they bombarded me with messages in my emails and all my open social media accounts. Then they found out where I was working and called my new job several times a week. They refused my request to meet with elders in my area who I thought would be more objective to my situation. I ended up disassociating in the end (I wasn't too familiar with the process of fading until after the fact).
The REAL Reason I Stopped Going to Meetings
by NoviceLocs14 into sum it up in all one word...pride.. i've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-jw boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field.
but i was actually pretty regular for awhile.. my pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however.
i had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but i was really struggling now.
To sum it up in all one word...PRIDE.
I've always kind of attributed my subconscious "fade" to shame for living a double life by dating my non-JW boyfriend (now husband) while serving as a pioneer in the foreign language field. But I was actually pretty regular for awhile.
My pioneer hours did start to dwindle, however. I had always struggled with the hourly requirement, but I was really struggling now. I had taken to "fudging" hours on my time report, but I made sure even those hours were less than the required hours, since I didn't want anyone becoming suspicious lol.
The elders finally said they had to meet with me. I agreed to meet them at the Kingdom Hall. When I got there, there were 3 elders standing in front of me. I inwardly started freaking out because I thought my double life had caught up with me. Then mysteriously, they dismissed the third elder and took me in the back room. They pretty much told me that I should probably come off the pioneer list. I agreed, kind of relieved they made that decision for me.
Until I realized that they were going to announce that I was stepping down as a pioneer at the meeting in front of the entire congregation. I had never had my name announced on the podium for anything other than good news, so an announcement like that and the subsequent judging from my so called brothers and sisters mortified me.
So I decided to avoid the humiliation altogether by not going to the meetings, especially since I didn't know which meeting they were going to make the announcement.
So I guess you could say pride and fear of humiliation led to my unknowing fade...
To Fade or Disassociate
by Jules Saturn inhello to all, so i did want to talk about this topic because i think it is very important to me.
i have a grandfather who faded several decades ago.
he occasionally attends an assembly and the memorial but no longer attends meetings or goes on field service.
I wasn't even familiar with the term fade until after I disassociated. Unfortunately, I was naive and still playing by the borg's rules, so I didn't realize that was an option. Plus I wanted to stop the harassment from the elders, who kept trying to meet with me. Of course, I don't have contact with most of my family, who considers it worse that I left of my own accord instead of allowing the arseholes to kick me out.
But I share dubstep's sentiments as well. I'm happy to not have the negativity in my life, and I was able to completely cut ties with the BS.
Had twin babies with a married JW?!?!?!?!?!?! advice & thoughts
by Gokumonkey inbefore i begin i just wanna say, im not proud of what i did, it was wrong but it happened now im just trying to do the right thing.. ok so im a "worldly" person and i meet a jw women at my job.
i had no idea she was married due to the fact that she hid her wedding ring.
i even ask if she was in a relationship and she denied it.
Lawyer up. This woman sounds manipulative. If you're in the US, she can sic the courts after you for child support whether or not you have visitation rights and/or are providing for the kids by giving her money directly. Once the courts get involved, it can get pretty ugly, and they tend to side with the custodial parent (typically the mother).