Two house Tony must be attending that KH that Selina Vertilomo crashed into. When she asked is he here now? The brother answered as if to say he is not here now.
It sounded like he had already gone home or perhaps he and his wife are attending on zoom. It’s probably really hard to get zoom passwords for that congregation.
It’s amazing that this much time has gone on and the truth still has not come out. In March 2024 will he get away again with everyone not knowing if he still partakes in the emblems?
If you are driving there silentbuddah could you please get some pictures of his two houses it would really help the community.
I do understand everything hinges on keeping a lid on the situation for the Borg. It may well be a case of keeping these secrets about two house Tony is essential to stop the tower falling for good. But my feeling is that the truth has a way of getting out eventually