Once deceived you will again be deceived.
Everyone is entitled to their own decisions, I am just playing the messenger in this instance, fore-warning good people who are vulnerable of being deceived.
I got nothing at stake in this, as I was never a JW and was never a fan of LE the grifter.
My main concern in all of is the safety of children in high control groups and individuals like LE who are suspect to say the least, who has admitted to using sex workers on a regular basis and texting with girls on the internet, among other things.
I do not know anything about this DANNY DE HEK character, besides from the only video I watched from him was the hitpiece against KIM SILVIO which came up on the Youtube search function at that time.
The DANNY DE HEK character already committed himself when he did the hitpiece against KIM SILVIO and the comments he made, all after he watched the LE Thailand video.
Therefore, I have no respect for this DANNY DE HEK character.
You can also mark this post down you gullible fool!
Ha Ha Ha