This must be a hard one for the JWs. Jesus says the resurrected will be like angels and not marry. I dont see that fitting either of the destinies in JW beliefs. But of course they will claim that the resurrected will be like Lazarus and then have their ability to reproduce again. Not much scripture on that.
JoinedPosts by JoenB75
Need help...Resurrection JW beliefs from the 50'6 and 60's.
by Snoozy inwas talking with a gal that is most likely going back to the religion after 20 or 30 years.
we got into a discussion about having babies after "armageddon ".
she was talking about being normal ( she is practically bedridden but only in her 50's.
Where are the JWs on cross dressers?
by mickbobcat inso if a man lets say is heterosexual, married and happy but likes to in the privacy of his own home wear women's cloths and his wife is ok with it.
i know a person could just shut their mouth and who would know but i am talking about jw who is very concerned about telling the truth to the dubbers.
my guess is it would not be a dfing matter but they would not be a ms or elder.
I would be very surprised if a conservative religion like JW allow cross dressers.
Watchtower thoughts on Jazz
by David.L.Henson inwomen!
don't listen to jazz!.
"new orleans jazz has a primitive tom-tom rhythm that does a single woman's peace of mind no good, is one of the insane claims from the tower about the harmful jazz music.. the fact is - if you check up the writings of the tower - the only safe music is the "kingdom songs" - and those do kill your brain if you love music:-)) .
thankfully you can find almost any most obscure little demo on youtube. -
The parable of the trees! (Judges 9:8-15
by slimboyfat indo you recall reading this passage before?
i came across this it yesterday while preparing a bible presentation on trees.
i had no idea this passage existed.
I find it pretty remarkable that the Bible does not recommend having kings ruling (1 Samuel 8).
Lloyd Evans keeps doing parts on how the JWs are guilty of follwing the bible.
by mickbobcat ini have been watching evans videos for a while.
he keeps attacking the cult for following the bible.
women are to be subservient to men.
Lloyd Evans is probably fine to watch if you are a faithless snowflake. If you are not, his constant neo-atheist attacks on God and the Bible quickly becomes old. I watched his video with Robert M Price. Although Robert does not believe, he is respectful towards faith and supports Trump. Lloyd despite his past is not.
Since You Have Left The Religion Are You Happier?
by minimus ini realize that some activist exjws really don’t seem to be happy in life.
they finally got away from the organization and yet seem still negatively connected to it.
some exjws are always upset because of what the “truth “ did to their lives, which is understandable.
I was never in the religion in the sense that I never believed in it despite my father's attempts. But I was dragged along to meetings and we waisted a lot of time there. My parents had huge mental issues that perhaps would have been helped if they had ventured on another path. One of the biggest problems about JWs and other radical cults is the parents "divine rights" to drag their children through this. It is a really a problem but so is a state powerful enough to do what in a narrow perspective might seem the right thing, take children away from JW parents. On the other had I believe in the divine right to have guns and wished all people in Europe had them. That will have victims too.
The Last Day
by johnamos in[7-1-98 wt – martha said of her dead brother, lazarus: “i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (john 11:24) how did she know that?
…she might even have learned this from jesus himself.
(john 6:39 - this is the will of him who sent me, that i should lose none out of all those whom he has given me, but that i should resurrect them on the last day.
It is quite remarkable that the JWs taught such an important doctrine without any Bible verse saying so. No verse says that the billions would be raised for a trial in the millenium. I suspect Revelation 20 is very misunderstood and taken too literally like old testament prophecy.
The Last Day
by johnamos in[7-1-98 wt – martha said of her dead brother, lazarus: “i know he will rise in the resurrection on the last day.” (john 11:24) how did she know that?
…she might even have learned this from jesus himself.
(john 6:39 - this is the will of him who sent me, that i should lose none out of all those whom he has given me, but that i should resurrect them on the last day.
The context of Romans 6 is the ressurection to immortality. In the peculiar JW understanding, I think it only refers to the 144.000. I dont believe that but in any case, the people raised in the old or new testament were merely revived in their mortal state.
Genesis 18:27
by JPG123 inin genesis 18:27 it says:.
but abraham again responded: “please, here i have presumed to speak to jehovah, whereas i am dust and ashes.. but when referencing the interlinear translation of the old testament, it clearly uses the hebrew word “adonai” instead of “yahweh” in this verse.
was abraham referring to god as “lord” in this verse?.
Yes being called Lord does not in itself make Jesus God. Remember Acts 2:36 God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah
Not even being called El or Elohim makes someone YHWH. Forinstance Ezekiel 31:11 and Psalm 45:6-7. Still of course there is much evidence for Jesus being God incarnate and nothing that explicitely teaches the JW doctrine about Jesus.
Are JWs Enjoying Not Having To Go To Meetings and House To House?
by minimus insince this pandemic, especially, are witnesses fine with never having to go to another meeting or assembly again?
mini, of course. you can see people on zoom so no t-shirt lol