It is interesting they never want to study Bible alone. A young JW recently contacted me and wanted to study some book. He is resistent despite I have told him my story and also discussed merciless theodice questions with him like where is God when babies are raped? I wonder how long this will last
JoinedPosts by JoenB75
Watchtower More Important than the Scriptures
by Vanderhoven7 inmack moore ex-jw recovery writes:.
yes, that is how they want people to esteem the magazine.
they believe it is the unique mouthpiece of god.
OMG Gretta von funberg is trying to sing
by mickbobcat inthis stupid little autistic twit is a no talent hack.
she can not dance, sing or even talk well.
the liberal idiots follow this little idiot like she is the oracle of delphi.
Sweden got better things to offer like the lovely nationalistic rock/folk "vikingrock" band Ultima Thule. Since the 80s these guys have fought musically for a better Sweden against the globalist tyrannical agenda manifesting itself stronger every. Here we have a lovely cover of Astrid Lindgren's "poor peasantboy/farmworker", to my knowledge only sung in Swedish. Very emotional song
Poor Farmworker
Versions: #1#2I am a poor farmworker, but I live anyway.Days come and go, while I work hard,harrowing, sowing seeds and plowing, sweeping the barn floor, digging and carryingwalk behind my cattle, screaming, whistling and swearing.I am a poor farmworker and I chew my tobaccoAnd when Saturday comes, I want to get drunk.Then, when I get high-spirited, I want to tussle and fightSleep at a girl’s house, that’s what I’d like to do too, of course.Then,Sunday comes and our priest wants me to go to church, but that is when I sleep the most.Priests can sleep the whole day on Monday ,but a poor farmworker must start working again.That’s how the week goes, every day and every year.I walk with my scythe and I plow and sow seedsI guide my cattle and pile hayHarrow, work and slave and one day I shall die.Stands there, poor farmworker, before Heaven’s gateA little scared and sorry for the sins I committed.One shall not drink, be with girls and fight.The Lord, God in Heaven is quite disappointed, of course.But then the Lord says: poor farmworker, come here,I’ve seen your struggle and your persistent hard work,Therefore, poor farmworker, you are welcome here.Therefore, poor farmworker, you will be near me.Oh, I, the poor farmworker stand so quiet before GodAnd then he dresses me with the whitest of all garments.Now, says the Lord, your work is done.Now, poor farmworker, you may rest. -
Why build a new movie studio when we are in the last part of the last part of the last day?
by Vanderhoven7 ingiles gray writes: .
if the end is so near as the jehovah’s witnesses leadership claims (somehow they must have special insight), why are they building a movie studio that will be finished in 2026?.
it’s not the first time something of this nature has happened in the society’s history.
From big limos to big buildings, many JWs nobodies have been shocked when confronted with the big spending and luxury of the org. -
Professors and Students Defend Evolution
by Sea Breeze in
I consider this a BS issue, the only motivation for Christian opposition to evolution is a herd mentality motivated by the question of authority and big money. As the Ham says himself, if the young people can not get their (absolute) answers from us, who can they get them from. Imagine Christians actually read biblical creation prose and eschatology with the glasses originally intended. But few understand this, both the creationists and the evil apostates have their agenda
Is the Bible of extraterrestrial origin?
by Vanderhoven7 inhighly illuminating video..
i thought these bible cryptologists were all nuts.
this guy changed my mind..
Of course we are not alone. The ideas of ancient astronaut theories are interesting and entertaining.
Is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the WT, charlatanism?
by Disillusioned JW inis most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?. [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
Sea Breeze,
God speaking does not explain how God created. The obvious point is the Bible contains no science. There is no point in trying to make up some science in the Bible. It would also be one huge book or rather library if that was the case.
Another point is that selem in Genesis 1:26 refers to physical form/appearence regardless of tradition. As even some young earth ministries are beginning to recognise, the Bible implies we are made in the image of someones looking like us, the angels and God appearing in visible form like in Genesis 18.
Is most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the WT, charlatanism?
by Disillusioned JW inis most of the promotion of creationism, not just that by the wt, charlatanism?. [which has an article called "creationism: bad science or immoral pseudoscience?
- (an expose of creationist dr. duane gish)"] says the following.. 'a look at the "scientific" creationist movement and a close examination of the tactics of a well-known and influential creationist will reveal that the creation "science" movement gains much of its strength through the use of distortion and scientifically unethical tactics.. .... with the facts explained and the lawsuits won, scientists declared victory and returned to their labs and offices.
Funny thing about creationism is that creation in the Bible if taking literally, does not explain how God created. A man named Dick Fischer wrote a nice paper on the unbiblical nature of young earth creationism "Young-Earth Creationism: A Literal Mistake". The whole thing smells fishy to me, it is all about power and control over the congregations.
Resurrection after a death sentence in the OT?
by EdenOne ini have a question for those more versed in biblical history than i. .
knowing that a belief in a resurrection on messianic times was a later jewish belief ... but still ... did the ot jews believe that someone served a capital punishment / death sentence would be elegible for future resurrection?.
meaning: when coding the torah, did its writers intended that the capital punishment also be understood as an obliteration for all eternity?.
I take the book teaches conditional immortality? Funny, of all the JW like beliefs, this alone is something I have retained believing in, although I believe souls go to heaven after AD 70.
What JWs don't know they believe
by StephaneLaliberte inin a post this morning, i suggested that a way to wake up fellow congregants is to plainly comment or make talks on teachings and rules the jws don't really know too well.
the idea is that you can say these things, other jws will be bothered by the comments, but will not be able to do anything about it as this is the official teaching or stand on this or that.
the key here is that when troubling rules and teachings are thought in the watchtower, they generally use wording that makes them go down easy.
Rattigan350, the two classes doctrine is not in scripture. It was made by Russell and turned into something more sinister with Rutherford.
What JWs don't know they believe
by StephaneLaliberte inin a post this morning, i suggested that a way to wake up fellow congregants is to plainly comment or make talks on teachings and rules the jws don't really know too well.
the idea is that you can say these things, other jws will be bothered by the comments, but will not be able to do anything about it as this is the official teaching or stand on this or that.
the key here is that when troubling rules and teachings are thought in the watchtower, they generally use wording that makes them go down easy.
I recall my father having a heated argument over point 3 with some elders. Russell had two classes, but his Armageddon was not the literalist or bloody one of Rutherford. In contradiction to point 3, Rutherford had that the sheep and goats judgment concerned the second class this side of Armageddon. A lot of speculation and private interpretation behind these ideas.