Punkofnice I don't know - that is a good question! A symbol would have no significance unless the viewers knew the meaning or could interpret it and I don't think that is what is intended for the JW viewer.
The format of the whole program is in my view strange. It is like a bad tv show and nothing like any other meeting item I have ever seen. I think most JW's would enjoy it and see it as fun and light entertainment / spiritually upbuilding and that is probably all it is?
However, I think that logos are quite meaningful pieces of art work that are not just cobbled together from stock art work or just appear on a page as some random doddle. It was put together with conscious thought and justification. It may be that the artist enjoyed pizza or quilt designs or a certain architectural style but that does not mean you use something for a TV set design or does it?
I appreciate your questions as it ensures that we don't get to conspiracy theory on these subjects and stay grounded.
Thank you