I ride my bicycle between 25-100 miles every time I ride, at least twice a week. I usually ride in traffic since one time on the rails-to-trails is plenty, after that it's mind numbing.
I find your post extremely disturbing.
I was in the far left lane when I turned and he was passing me on the left. I didn't see him. I immediately said I am sorry man, I didn't see you. Well, he starts cussing me out profusely calling me a f***ing B**** over and over again. I got really MAD. So, in a blind rage I start to turn the car around to actually run him over this time for real and intentionally,
Just the fact that you would consider doing something like this makes me think you are a f***ing B****. Yes, he was wrong for cussing you out but think about it from his perspective. You scared the living sh*t out of him (even though it may have been his fault) and he was just reacting. You have no idea what kind of stupid shit motorists pull around cyclists. It's not my fault they don't see me. I'm yelling to get their attention and waving an arm to make sure they see me and they still try to cut me off or pull out in front of me when I'm going 25mph down the street (which I have every right to do).
when all of a sudden a car pulls onto the same road and runs the guy over. His bicycle is completely bent up and he gets up still yelling at me. He said it was my f***ing fault that this happened. He didn't even get mad at the guy who hit him. He was too busy yelling at me still.
Well, he sounds like a jerk and from his perspective (which is totally skewed at this point) you started it. I'm not saying you did, it's just his bad reaction.
It took a bit to calm down but afterwards I was able to have a good laugh about how charma works.
It's "karma", and I think you are an ass to laugh at someone else's misfortune.
I love bicycling but I think that if you are going to ride on busy streets you need to obey the traffic laws just as much as everyone else.
So do I. Unfortunately, we have to deal with total assholes who don't think we have any right to be there. Besides, how many motorists are obeying the traffic laws 100% of the time?
Share the road.