We had a blast! (REALLY). We would get together every Saturday after the meeting, do a potluck and then dance the night away (Salsa, Merengue, Cumbia, Rock, House). It was a blast!!! We did that every Saturday night and Sunday until wee hours of the next day. For about 5 months straight! Most were MS some elders but then we stopped waking up on tome for Sunday preaching and out the door our fun went. We had a Special Necessities meeting. It was all abruptly ended. I miss those days. We also used to go clubbing to downtown
. That was a little frowned upon be huge groups of us use to go. Not much elders could do.
At social events we'd play guys vs. gal charades from my book of Bible stories. Or hot potato whoever was left with the potato when music stopped was completely humiliated.
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH . . . those were the good old days. Now everyone hates me and can't even stand to look at me.
Edited by - prisila on 25 July 2002 19:30:15
Edited by - prisila on 25 July 2002 19:30:39