That also applies to smiling husbands.
JoinedPosts by neverscreamagain
For those of you who do not believe in corporal punishment...
by Chemical Emotions inthat is, for those of you who actually think that hitting children is wrong, what types of discipline do you find more effective?
i'm not a parent but when dealing with kids, i've seen that time-outs tend to make kids feel isolated and can really hurt them.
if they're near others and are checked up on frequently, it seems ok. but when they're completely ignored, that is just bad.
Best diet for a Diabetic.
by Quarterback indr just told me that i inherited this health problem.
has anyone had any success in winning over this desease?.
Earlier it was mentioned eliminating sodas/pop. All sodas, should be dropped from your diet. Turns out the diet sodas with artificial sweeteners are worse than ones with corn or cane sugar, especially if you are trying to keep your blood sugar levels low and stable.
The thought was mentioned that they were told not to eat after a certain time in the evening. This idea goes back to the old "calorie restriction" approach to losing weight. It never worked for people back when it was first introduced and it is still a bad idea, and a bad approach fo a diabetic who is trying to keep his insulin levels low and stable. If you ate nothing between 8pm and 8am, you have in essence been fasting for 12 hours, your body has not stopped burning calories during that time, and your insulin levels will have shot up first thing at the beginning of the day. Does not help in keeping levels low and stable.
Solution has been been brought up earlier. Eat a high protein snack shortly before going to bed. One that I like because of it's protein content is greek yoghurt. Eat unflavored. plain, 0% fat yoghurt. Get used to eating it plain, eventually you will not have it any other way. I prefer the greek style because it has twice the protein of ordinary yoghurt, relatively low sugar content, and lots of good bacteria for the digestive tract.
And when you rise in the morning get in the habit of eating within the first fifteen minutes of rising. Remember you have just fasted for however long you have been between meals, and if you don't eat soon your system will go into starvation mode, and insulin levels will again spike. Not what you want. Again eat something high protein, low fat. Eggs were mentioned earlier, and if lipids and or cholesterol is an issue with you, you can get them in cartons of either egg whites or the whole egg substitute. Both are high in protein, no cholesterol, no fat or carbs. It is the ideal basic ingredient that you need upon rising.
Don't go without eating during the day for more than 2-3 hours. Almonds are a good between meal snack. Carry some with you as you go about your day.
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
Just thought of a couple of Disney movies, old ones. Fantasia and The Sorcerors Apprentice, quite amazings movies for their time. Not to date anyone, but does anyone know how they were thought of back when released? I believe they were made in the early 1940's.
Do You Think That You Should Be Punished For Letting Drivers Know There Is A Speed Trap Along Their Route?
by minimus ina houston woman made up a sign warning motorists of a speedtrap and she was arrested!.
in my area we often alert fellow drivers of speed traps by flashing our lights.
do you think there should be a law against this?.
In answer to topic question- no. My reasoning is that warning someone has the desired effect of slowing someone down. Getting a ticket might do the same thing, and a warning by an officer might have the same effect. Conversely, while driving through a residential area, I had a sheriff flash his lights and siren as we passed and did not turn around and pull me over. No ticket and that one occurrence slowed me down, and I always watch my speed now.
Flashing your lights to warn an oncoming driver about a trap is almost an unwritten law here in Texas.
I remember one time driving in the Texas hill country a few years back. In the oncoming lane came this huge older model "tuna boat" of a car and behind the wheel was this white-haired grandmotherly type that could barely see over the dashboard. I noticed her because she had flashed her lights as I approached and she could not have been doing over 20 miles an hour. I laughed and thought to myself what a sweetheart. I checked my speed, and wasn't speeding, and sure enough up the road was a partially hidden DPS car. What she did was more like an act of courtesy, something that you would want people to do for you.
By the way, I also live and drive in Houston. The speed limit here is just a suggestion. Nobody drives the posted speeds on the freeways here.
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
This topic reminded me of one time about 5 years ago when I mentioned to a brother that I had just went back and watched all of the episodes of "Twin Peaks". He replied with a tone of righteousness that he couldn't watch that because it was too "dark". I let it slide but I knew that he was a major Star Wars fan, and yeah there is absolutely nothing mystical, magical, or supernatural in Star Wars.
Kind of shows how that we will justify what we want to.
Hey also saw the magic 8 ball mentioned. Sweet! I never leave the house without checking it for advise first.
And nobody eats at Asian restaurants? Can't forget the fortune cookie. If we were out and others in the group, and there was always someone who you could tell was setting a good example by not opening theirs, I would grab one and say that this one was theirs and read it out loud. HaHa! Was that wrong?
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
And whatever you do, never burn any incense, especially outside by your windchimes.
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
Don't even get me started on that "origin of windchimes" nonsense.
How ManyYears Did You Waste Being A Jehovah's Witness?
by minimus ini was raised as a jw and i haven't been to a meeting in about 8 years..
Almost 40 years wasted, all of this time could have been spent doing something more worthwile. As a result of me being the one who was the steadfast one or anchor in the religion, it eventually drug many of my family in. Wish I would have woke up sooner. Have only got my son out at this point, working on the rest.
Many good people, evil cult.
Things that were supposedly demonized
by freshstart ini was just thinking about all the fear i had when i was a kid that i would be attacked by demons if i wasn't careful.
i mean i lived in absolute terror over it, so i'm going to reminisce about the things i was told were demonized and you can add to the list if you'd like:.
lucky charms cerealcount dracula cerealitems bought at garage sales where there was a cross or anything religious present"hotel california" by the eagles (now one of my favorite songs)wwjd braceletsscooby dooi remember being so scared of every little noise that whenever i would turn off my light to go to bed, i would say "jehovah, jehovah!
Ever notice that it was alway the same ones who time and again were the ones having "demon" problems? Over and over, again and again.
What powerful abilities or special attraction could they have had to always go to a yard sale or thrift shop and zero in on the one item that would turn their world upside down.
I think if it was me I would stop getting stuff at yard sales! LoL!
Give me a break!
Besides "NEW LIGHT " what other excuses have you heard about WT failed prophecies ?????s
by wasblind injust this mornin' i read that the wt prophecy went from.
" millions now living will never die ".
" millions will never die in jehovah's memory ".
When a failed prophecy fails, and ones are "stumbled", it is god's way of testing the integrity of those as to their faith.