Your Welcome- freeflyingfaerie !
Oh, a shame you landed so far away. There is a lot to see and do here, would have loved to show you around.
when i first started posting again, i got a pm from lv101.
she and i both live in las vegas.
we have talked on the 'phone a few times, but today, we finally met for lunch.
Your Welcome- freeflyingfaerie !
Oh, a shame you landed so far away. There is a lot to see and do here, would have loved to show you around.
when i first started posting again, i got a pm from lv101.
she and i both live in las vegas.
we have talked on the 'phone a few times, but today, we finally met for lunch.
Welcome to Texas- freeflyingfaerie !
There are a lot from JWN that live here. I am in the Houston area.
Quandry- It is sad to say that I have had more contact with her family than she has. Her father is in his eighties now and sends a smoke signal out to her occasionaly. Last conversation that I had with her I told her how kind her mother had been to me; her mom passed about 6 years ago. She said that she really wished that she could have known her mom better. It is terrible that she was divided from her family all because of the man-made rules that came about during the Ray Franz debacle.
Quandry- sorry that I didn't acknowledge your opening post, when I read it I immediately thought of the similarities the two events. It often takes a lot of little things that cause a person to finally question the the cult control. Maybe that was the case with your daughter's close friend.
Reconnecting with my friend was one of the best things to happen to me in quite a while, so I know how good it must make your daughter feel.
I recently looked up a sister that I grew up with that was coerced into disassociation when we were both around 20 years old.
The whole situation about her being forced out had never set well with me, and deep down I knew that it was wrong and certainly not in anyway 'Christlike'. I have always regretted that I did not stand up and do what I knew was right at that time. She was closer to me than my own sisters (family) were. I had spent most of my later teen years with her and her family, and her witness family dropped all contact with her. I loyally did the same.
About 8 months ago I felt that time was long overdue for me to try to make amends. With a little Internet searching and 30 minutes time, I was able to get in contact with her by phone, even though she was 2 states separated from California where I thought she still lived. She was shocked and surprised and glad that I sought to reconnect with her. She and her husband now live in Colorado and I am making plans to visit them in a few months. Maybe make a real road trip of it and from there continue over to Lake Tahoe to Flipper's July 4 event. I am really looking forward to it.
i know it's wishful thinking, but if your favorite jw did agree to watch just one youtube video, which one do you think would be the most effective?.
a comparison of mormonism & jws?
Some well made videos.
The first one I thought was very well done.
"[pshychologist] stanley milgram .
pointed out that people who disobey destructive authority suffer psychologically, too.
often a person who disobeys finds himself at odds with the social order, and may find it hard to shake the feeling that he has been faithless to someone or something to whom he pledged allegiance.
Read this book a few years ago, and instantly applied it to the leadership of the WT corporation.
It helped me to see why the actions from the top of the Borg show little regard to how they would affect the rank and file members.
Also convinced me that the WT will never change unless forced to, and I can't see that happening. The leadership structure promotes sosciopath/psychopath types.
isn't this guy like the greatest anti-hero of all time?.
as the series wears on it is getting more and more difficult to sympathise with the guy.
but i must admit i stuck with him pretty far.
Agreed, Breaking Bad is the best show on TV ever!
Walt's character illustrates well how strongly people will strive to keep what they have attained vs. people that have never had or attained wealth, status, fame etc.
i have a new poll at as i am very interested to see what people have moved on to believe.
as this is considered sensitive by some, you can answer anonymously at the, or answer on this thread.
this is what i have created in the list, but feel free to add comments, corrections, or options i have missed.. .
Attended a talk by Dr. David Eagleman and realized that I was a Possibilian.
Was not converted or convinced by the info, just realized that he well-stated the outlook that I have long held.
Here is the talk.
since april 1st will be officially 6 months and i will be considered inactive, i thought this would be a good time for me to review my life since leaving....and i guess wtbt$ is right in that my life would return to a debauched state if i left here is my review and i'm being totally serious here.. .
sex: yes i have sex with my husband.....i guess we have returned to the world because we take advantage of our marital dues.. related to sex: no longer just missionary.
drugs: yes i have been taking allergies have been so bad the last few days i just couldn't handle it anymore and i gave in to the temptation to take over the counter allergies medicine.. rock and roll: yes......i am no longer listening to the kingdom melodies (i never really did anyways), and have gone to listening to the devils music.
I have also sunken to the depths of depravity.
Well here it is - I have been playing BINGO!
Habitually and BRAZENLY!