Here is one with him and Tammy-
JoinedPosts by neverscreamagain
George Jones (aka: the Possum) died today
by drewcoul inhe was my dad's favorite.
i can remember many many evenings my uncles coming over (all jw's) and listening to the old vinyl records (which i still enjoy).
its kind of a strange time in my life.
George Jones (aka: the Possum) died today
by drewcoul inhe was my dad's favorite.
i can remember many many evenings my uncles coming over (all jw's) and listening to the old vinyl records (which i still enjoy).
its kind of a strange time in my life.
I remember an interview of him once and he was asked why he was always having financial problems.
He was asked what he did with the $100,000 he would receive as an advance for a record and his reply was:
"I would get $100,000 as an advance, and I would buy a red convertible Corvette, $20,000 worth of cocaine, and well the rest I spent on foolishness." Lol.
George Jones (aka: the Possum) died today
by drewcoul inhe was my dad's favorite.
i can remember many many evenings my uncles coming over (all jw's) and listening to the old vinyl records (which i still enjoy).
its kind of a strange time in my life.
I bet a lot have never heard this one-
Bertrand Russell : Why I'm Not A Christian
by frankiespeakin in
bertrand arthur william russell, 3rd earl russell, om, frs[1] (18 may 1872 2 february 1970) was a british philosopher, logician, mathematician, historian, and social critic.
[2] at various points in his life he considered himself a liberal, a socialist, and a pacifist, but he also admitted that he had never been any of these in any profound sense.
I like many of his quotations - here is one of my favorites:
"The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, and wiser people so full of doubts."
If You Like See's Candy, which is your favorite one?
by LoisLane looking for Superman in.
if i had to pick only one, it would have to be butterscotch square.
just lois.
Leonidas Belgian chocolates! - anything else is just for kids.
3 years into my fade
by gutted inwow so here we are, april 25th.
3 years ago to this day something within me made me google my former religion.
it was all the the years of doubts concentrated into one all nighter to have the veil drop like a sack of shit.
gutted- Wow, I can truly relate and know where you are coming from. Looking back, I really benefitted from being able to read of others similar journeys on coming to a degree of sanity. I probably would not have made it without the help from this forum.
Great Post! And you hang in there and keep moving forward!
Shaking it off...with music
by freeflyingfaerie injust another way to give the finger to the religion, so to speak.... sometimes i just feel about like this~.
p!nk, so what!.
return of parakeet - Wow! Didn't see that coming. No ambiguity there.
Shaking it off...with music
by freeflyingfaerie injust another way to give the finger to the religion, so to speak.... sometimes i just feel about like this~.
p!nk, so what!.
She is Fantastic! This is the first that I have seen or heard her.
How can that have happened? Thanks for sharing.
My daughter asked to be an unbaptized publisher. What do I do?
by Indian Larry inbrief background:.
i am a 3rd gen witness.
several of her friends are already baptized.
Great comments! Draw her out on Why she wants to pursue this step. No doubt she does not realize the subtle coercion that is moving her in this direction. The term unbabtized publisher implies distinction or advancement just like the other titles (ms, pioneer,elder), and imply that a person is moving forward. Or maybe this is what her friends are doing.
If push comes to shove, I would tell her that like most legal decisions (in the U.S.), she will have to wait till she is 18, then she can do what she wants and accept the accompanying consequences.
Where is aunt Connie?
by wannaexit inwith all this serious talk about aawa, i'm missing the good laughs i got from aunt connie.
where did she go?.
Pronounced : Bouquet (Buckett).