You know as well as I do that the "effect" of the absense of a qualifier is one of the most important tools in the propagandist kit.
Ask an African American about the expression "you people".
"You people" don't want to work. "You people" just want a hand-out.
"You people" isn't "All you people". But the implied "ALL" has the same semantic response.
Those who know how to use the language, like you do, are completely aware of the problem of the implied "all". Ordinary speech is adequate when the consequences are not serious. But when you are criticizing a group of people you ought to be responsible enough to use "exact" language.
Your attempt to brush off your negligence is as I correctly interpreted - part of your viscious stance towards JW's AND your assumption that the audience you are talking to shares your viewpoint.
I will not waste my time pointing out the fine points of general semantics and the tools that lead to sane speech. You know the tools for the language of both science and propaganda. In this case you seem to be determined to be a propagandist. You behave quite a bit like the Watchtower - just the other side of the coin.