Did you file a report on your incident? Feel free to E-Mail me with more info. I can give you the link where you can report this.
Or are you just puttin me on? Give us more details?
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
Did you file a report on your incident? Feel free to E-Mail me with more info. I can give you the link where you can report this.
Or are you just puttin me on? Give us more details?
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I'm sure its not a helicopter. The military comes up from Ft. Campbell Kentucky and does helicopter exercises in August. The TV and radio stations alert the public to this so they don't alarm anyone. If what I experienced was of human origin it would have to be something the government is testing. But why would they test it over populous areas? They have testing grounds. Are they trying to see how much noise it takes to alarm people? Kind of a stupid experiment.
Whatever, or whoever is operating these "things" doesn't give a rats ass about human reaction. Most reports of UFO's make a point of saying they operate silently. If these are ET craft I think they make noise at some kind of regenerative stage of their operation. The noise is always associated with large craft that move extremely slow.
Another possibility is that these are some Jar-Jar types who don't have all of their technology kit in place. They may have some good technology for beaming here but once they arrive they have some really junky technology for getting around. Kind of like flying somewhere and then having to rent a car.
I have now crossed over into the absurd. My main intentions in bringing this subject up is that this is one more area that religion doesn't handle very well. Religion assumes that humans are next to God. If there are aliens who can come and go as they please we can't be very important in the whole scheme of things.
there are a lot of interesting obstacles facing the watchtower.. potential lawsuits, legal challenges to the door to door work,.
declining revenues, general loss of zeal, exposure on the internet,.
and loss of publishers in western nations come to mind.. yet, there is no obstacle greater, in my opinion, than the.
Disfellowshipping has become a right of passage.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I remain open to the causes of this event. UFO events are singular. They are subject to the ability of the witness to accurately report what they experienced. The more witnesses to an event the more credibile it usually is. This is especially true if the witnesses are in different locations. Many people need closure on a disturbing event. I feel that simply saying I don't know what I experienced and will probably never know is premature closure.
This is why I am interested in others experiences that share some of the same features as what I experienced. These are the essential elements of the experience:
1. Loud roaring sound similar to but not exactly like a jet airplane.
2. Physical vibration of buildings.
3. Source is clearly from the sky.
4. Unusually long duration and slow moving. Being 3 miles from an International Airport I have never seen a Jet take more than 30 seconds from the time you first hear it to the time it fades away. Peak noise is never more than 5 seconds.
What I have done is combed the reports of similar events that involve visual connection with the noise.
Here is another report similar to what I experienced:
NUFORC Home Page
Web Report Indexes : by Event Date | by Location | by Shape | by
Posting Date
National UFO Reporting Center Sighting Report
Occurred : 9/6/2001 21:00 (Entered as : 080601 2100)
Reported : 9/6/2001 20:39
Posted : 10/12/2001
Location : MEDINA, OH
Shape : Unknown
My wife and i were watching tv when we heard what sounded like a
low flying jet.but after about 5 minutes the sound was still above
us .we went out side to see if we could see what it was, but saw
nothing. just a loud roar of what sounded like ten jet engines all
at once ,but it was not moving. it was fading in and out like it
was going off into the distance and comming back.this lasted about
another ten minutes then started moving west until we could no
longer here it.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I have seen a bolide once in my life. I was about 10 years old. I lived with my grandmother. Used to sit on the back balcony on warm nights. It was pre 1957 so it wasn't human space junk. It was red and about the size of the moon in the sky. It took about 45 seconds to travel accross the sky. All the while it was visible it was making a jet sound and it was crackling. Parts of it looked black as if it had a cooler crust. Sparks were trailing behind it. Went from west to east over Lake Michigan. Probably plunged into the Lake. Or it was possibly really huge and splashed in the Atlantic. Things that are falling into our atmosphere seem to move quite rapidly due to the accelerating effect of gravity. My wife complained of her left ear hurting the next day. She was sitting on the bed and the sound was comming from her left.
Here is another report similar to my experience:
Reported : 12/1/2001 7:18:02 PM 19:18
Posted : 12/5/2001
Location : S.Bossier, LA
Shape : Cigar Two low altitude, large, slow moving craft, cigar shaped, odd light configuration and sounds.
Heard tremendous roaring sound, making house vibrate, went outside on deck saw 2 large, low altitude craft, (about 2,000 ft. or less), strange lighting configuration, very brite red lights in "center of both craft, and brite white lights on front and back. Clear night, good visual...no wing lights or small tail lights at all, just lights spanning the length of both craft! No green lite or other lites that FAA requires. Outstanding features to this sighting, craft extremely noisey, rumbling and roaring, to the point, I feared a crash was about to occur! Duration of sighting....were in view for too long to be conventional jets, judging by their size and altitude. Being so low and large, it was hard for me to comprehend how they could stay airborne. May have been more then 2, but when I went outside, 2 evident.Both about size of b-52's...how their size would appear at night, but not jets like those, much to low and slow! 8:45 p.m. Dec.1,2001 Good weather, visibility.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
The whole thing went on for about 15 to 20 minutes. It was not fast.
Here is someones report of a similar incident
Reported : 11/16/2001 12:54:12 PM 12:54
Posted : 11/20/2001
Location : Boyne City, MI
Shape : Diamond Diamond shape craft, loud rumbling noise, spinning lights over Northern Michigan
I heard a loud rumbling noise and when it continued I went to my back door to listen. Thinking it was a jet plane I went back inside. The noise continued getting louder, I again went out into the back yard but did not see anything but stars. I went into our living room where my husband, son, and son's friend were watching TV and asked "can't you hear that", they said yes but thought it was just a jet going over. I told them that was what I thought too, but it must be more than one and going very slow. They went outside to the front of the house and came rushing back in and said you have to come out and see this. We all went out to the front yard and could see this huge diamond shape with elongated bottom, with a light at each tip and an orange light in the middle. It gradually moved off to the northwest. I went back inside and within 5 minutes they yelled it was coming back. We all watched as it traveled over our home traveling southeast, when it got over Boyne City all of a sudden all of the outside lights started to spin around. Shortly the light on the right side veered off over Lake Charlevoix, which was to the west, while rest of the craft continued on its course, but soon the lone light came back and was heading the same direction as the large craft. It traveled until it was out of sight. The next day at work, two of my co-workers said they had also heard the noise, but had not gone outside to investigate. I then started calling law enforcement agencies, FAA, and local airports.
passing this on.... mental terrorism.
i am writing about a danger which is very real.
there are people, who may be grieving, who may be suffering from depression, who feel an emptiness, who feel a spiritual longing, who want hope in a world that seems hopeless, and others who are very vulnerable to this danger.
Ban all religion where its members really take it seriously.
one of the reasons i thought armageddon was close at hand was.
the impending obsolescence of the bible as a source of revelation.. the bible was written within the context of a large number of.
conditions that eventually would be changed by technology, i reasoned,.
My daughter asked why sisters can't at least take attendance count.
She concluded that in God's organization women don't count.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
This is not intended as "fluff".
Up until the "incident" I was pretty much willing to believe that the universe is just the way we see it. Now I'm not going to believe that the people who believe they have seen aliens or have been abducted by aliens that these events really happened.
I'm not buying into area 51 or Roswell. Just because one type of experience has been verified by my experience I am not going to believe everything.
But from my point of view at the very least those events probably happened that correlate with what I have expereinced. A very loud noice from a slow moving object accompanied by a bright light that is either moving or stationary. I am satified that there are phenomena of the sort that I experienced.
Some of these sounds have been accompanied by actual objects in motion with visible structure.
I am generally skeptical but I can't deny my own experience yet it can't serve as public proof. People who know me and the others involved in this incident know that something extraordinary occurred. Everyone can come up with their own explanation. Demons, Secret military experiments, natural phenomena such as antimater hovering and drifting, just about everything short of a shared halucination. It definitely wasn't a halucination.
There is a rule in science called "parsimony". Simplicity. Go for the simplest answer that explains and integrates the largest body of data.
Conspiracy? Any earthbound organization that could produce this kind of technology would require collaboration. Secrecy would require conspiracy. By conspiracy I mean having a large number of people who have a commitment to keep things silent. Humans are not just content to make money. Humans talk. Ego's are involved. Threat of death is not enough. How do you recruit people for this kind of project. No one will sign a pact of secrecy to work on a nebulous technology.
Conspiracy would be harder to imagine as a possibility then to think that intelligent life is either intentionally or unintentionally stumbling into our universe.
As far as available technology: There are no technical journals, infrastructure, background of published materials on this sort of thing. Knowledge evolves. If there are new technologies they don't exist in complete secrecy.
i want to report the most significant thing that ever happened to.
it is an event that i haven't been able to integrate into my.
I resent but understand the statements of ridicule. I have been among the ridiculers. And I said I still doubt those reports that aren't congruent with my personal experience. Since you haven't experienced anything like this you have no alternative but to doubt.
By the way I don't believe David Blaine has any unusual powers. There are places on the internet that explain all of his tricks. A lot of it is based on video techniques and it IS staged for video recording.
I also don't believe humans have ESP. I am a strict materialist. I also don't attribute special powers to aliens. However it would not be unusual to think of other civilizations with only a thousand years head-start to have technology that could dazzle us.
The argument SINCE they are so far advanced that they can travel through space... THEREFORE they could do their business undetected if a fallacious argument. Intergalactic or interdimensional technology may be quite simple and we just haven't stumbled accross it yet. Three hundred years ago no one would have dreamed that simply spinning a magnet inside a coil of wires would produce a type of energy that revolutionized everything about the way humans live their lives.
I didn't write about my experience to make believers out of all of you. Some may understand the significance of what I have described.
Some may have had similar experiences. Some may have a believable and ordinary explanation of this type of thing. It is the expectation of ridicule that keeps many silent on their experiences.