Freestylin' that's what rappers call it. It's word jazz. A little like scatting. Pentecostals also "praise dance" which is pretty much what James Brown used to do.
JoinedPosts by proplog2
The Gift of Speaking in Tongues?
by Maddie inwith the increase in evangelical churches there seems to be a lot more emphasis on the practise of "speaking in tongues".
i quite like the way these churches conduct services, with live music and great singing.
it is so different to the kh meetings and like fresh air.
Atheists - What is the meaning of life?
by Paralipomenon inpersonally i am a agnostic with a complete rejection of a personal god.
without the concept of salvation my belief structure states that when i die, very likely that is it.
no amount of good or bad deeds will extend my life past the point of my death.
The meaning of life IS life. Meaning is a tautology. We would like to think it goes somewhere. But it simply goes in a circle. Someone had to live before us or we wouldn't be alive now. We live so that others after us will live. That's why war is the worst scourge on earth. War is anti-life. It destroys meaning by breaking the circle.
The "generation" cover-up continues
by proplog2 inwell, the new "generation" light has finally been released in print.
this is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.. it is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.
christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914. .
Here is another scripture that sheds light on Chirst's presence/coming.
1 Corinthians 15:52 speaks of the resurrection in association with the "last trumpet"
Well, the last trumpet would be the "seventh trumpet".
Compare the events connected with the "seventh trumpet" (last of seven)in Revelation with the events in Matthew 24:29-31
Revelation 11:15-12:11
"And the seventh angel blew his trumpet. And loud voices occurred in heaven saying: "The kingdom of the world did become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ and he will rule as king forever and ever."
But the nations became wrathful and your own wrath came and the appointed time for the dead to be judged and to give reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name"...
What is the reward? Resurrection.
The 12th Chapter of Revelation discusses the casting out of Satan from heaven and the stars falling to the earth in a similar vein as Matthew 24:29-31 describes events that occur AFTER the great tribulation.
Whether these things will happen is not the question at this point. At the very least there is some harmony between a variety of scriptures in regards to the order in which things are supposed to take place. If someone believes the Bible they ought to be able to see how the Watchtower really doesn't have this figured out in a coherent way. -
The "generation" cover-up continues
by proplog2 inwell, the new "generation" light has finally been released in print.
this is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.. it is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.
christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914. .
grewup: Paragraph 3 in article Christ's Presence - What Does It Mean To you Watchtower Feb 15 2008 Page 21 "Christ's parousia or presence, started with Jesus' installation as King in heaven in 1914 and continues on to include the "great tribulation", during which he comes to destroy the wicked." Same Old Stuff
The "generation" cover-up continues
by proplog2 inwell, the new "generation" light has finally been released in print.
this is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.. it is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.
christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914. .
Well, the New "generation" light has finally been released in print. This is important because it the centerpiece of their whole orientation.
It is still a disjointed coverup of why they have this doctrine in the first place.
Christ didn't come in 1874 or 1914.
So they had a choice either suffer their "great disappointment" as the Millerites did or come up with a two part parousia: 1. an invisible early part and 2: a visible finale.
The article still has a footnote referring to the Insight Book's discussion of "parousia" which draws on Vine's dictionary of Biblical words. Vine himself defines "parousia" as "presense" because he believed in the "secret coming" of Jesus.
Most Jehovah's Witnesses aren't going to do research into definitions by so-called Greek Experts. They will simply accept the "experts" the Watchtower likes.
The real proof that JW's have it wrong can be seen in comparing four scriptures:
1Thessalonians 4:15-17
15: For this is what we tell you by Jehovah’s Word, that we the living who survive to the presence of the Lord shall in no way precede those who have fallen asleep in death.
16: because the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a commanding call, with an archangel’s voice and with God’s trumpet, and those who are dead in union with Christ will rise first. 17: Afterward we the living who are surviving will, together with them, be caught away in clouds to meet the Lord in the the air.
1Corinthians 15: 51,51
51: Look! I tell you a sacred secret: We shall not all fall asleep but we shall all be changed, 51: in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye during the last trumpet, For the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised up incorruptible, and we shall changed.
Matthew 24:29-31
29: Immediately after the tribulation of those days the sun will be darkened...31: And he will send forth his angels with a great trumpet sound, and they will gather his chosen ones together from the four winds, from one extremity of the heavens to their other extremity."
The resurrection takes place all at once after the Great Tribulation. The trumpets mentioned in 1Thessalonians and 1Corinthians is the same as the trumpet in Matthew that is blown AFTER the tribulation.
So you don't have to know Greek to understand they have this messed up.
Is an Organization required?
by Robert7 inso i had a shepherding call recently, and i laid out my concerns to the elders.
i said how can put full faith and trust into jehovah's organization, one which is directed by holy spirit, even though its past is littered with issues and errors (new light)?
i mentioned the redefining of generation, 1975 issue, and the un involvement.
Orangutans are organized!
The natural state of humans is to be organized.
Organization allows individuals to accomplish more through division of labor through specialization.
But there are all types of orgnaizations. Democratic, autocratic, authoritarian, abusive, facilitating...
"Secret" or "Members Only" Watchtower available for download
by grassyknoll07 inhey, the so-called "secret" or "members only" watchtower is available online at
yes, it's true.
the fds is trying to control us so much, they are making it available in a top secret location; the internet!
They have also put their website in bold print on the back of the Watchtower. I think it is still about a 7point font.
Poor Losers?
by hillary_step inwell, the major record industry has shown its complete impotence in the face of rapidly changing musical technology and are now in court asserting that buying a cd and copying it to your own pc for personal use is an indictable offense and one which they will prosecute..
it is no secret that the major record labels are crumbling before our eyes.
employees are being laid off in their thousands, shareholders are squealing like petulant piglets and their human commodities, the musicians are sitting on the sidelines wide-eyed.. i have never been an exponent of illegal downloading of music, though its inevitability should by now have produced some remodelling to the record companies business plan.
Musicians are going to have to be like athletes. They will get paid for live performances. Big money will come from endorsements. And they could always hand autograph their cd's.
I am all for a level playing field. I'm sick of these mediocre talents spending a month out of each year in a recording studio. I prefer to support local talent at bars and small venues.
The big record companies are going to have to work for their meals too. They should be promoting and selling records instead of sitting around with lawyers overseeing exclusive contracts.
Welcome to the really NEW world. I love what's happening!
I don't believe in people copying other peoples ideas, products, designs, patents, for the purpose of making money. But sharing without charging should not be criminalized.
According to the JW calendar the Memorial is on March 22 this year.
They usually figure the Memorial as the first full moon after the Spring Equinox.
So this is the earliest possible date for a Memorial.
Does this mean something?
by proplog2 inchristmas is the time to talk about peace.
jesus is called the prince of peace.. john lennon and yoko ono put out posters that read "war is over - if you want it".. peace doesn't depend on scientific progress.
it certainly doesn't take prosperity and riches to have peace.
I am no longer participating in this thread.