In other words you REALLY have nothing to say. Nice classy act. Have you traded in your style for Fred Halls?
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
In other words you REALLY have nothing to say. Nice classy act. Have you traded in your style for Fred Halls?
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
Ho Chi Minn:
There are stupid cults. There are dangerous cults. I prefer calling them simply "bad religion".
Their freedom should not be restricted unless they break the law. At the point where they break the law they will be forced to make a decision as to whether they will obey the law or suffer the consequences.
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
People sell their freedom of thought for a lot less than surrender to a cult. Young people have been conditioned into a mindless mass of consumers of Viacom.
Humans want charismatic leaders to show them the way. If you don't have charisma nobody anywhere is going to listen to you even if you know how to turn coal into gold. Of course if you have a few hundred million dollars sitting around you can pull the levers without charisma.
Cults are not to be hated. They need to be understood. If a cult is too weirid it will die an early death.
We all do well to listen to the Pharisee Gamaliel Acts 5:34-39
After listing a couple of cult leaders namely Theudas, and Judas the Galilean Gamaliel said: "Do not meddle with these men, but let them alone; (because if this scheme or this work is from men, it will be overthrown; but if it is from God, you will not be able to overthrow them;) otherwise, you may perhaps be found fighters actually against God."
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
If you understand the concept of bio-diversity you will realize that even toxic plants have therapeutic value.
There will NOT be suicide cults in every neighborhood. If they appear in every neighborhood I would have to say that by definition they would probably be mainstream and no longer a cult.
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
Had to change the title of this thread to something more aggressive.
This is a serious issue and perhaps beyond the comprehension of a lot of the JW haters here.
jws have been excited about events last week.
their sensibilities have been fine-tuned to expect armageddon at any moment, and last week's events seem extreme enough to lead to one thing after another.. i think these events will hurt the wts in the long run.
consider the typical long-term jw.
Sooner or later the Watchtower has to identify some event as the "disgusting thing standing where it shouldn't".
Unfortunately they think that the UN's attack on Babylon the Great/False religion is the sign. If they are waiting for that to occur it will NEVER happen because Babylon the Great is not the world empire of false religion.
Babylon the Great
this morning i walked over to a 7/ll to get a cup of coffee.
as i was leaving, i was approached by this very timid asian fellow.
he wasn't in a suit.
Ha Ha:
Poor stereotypically "inscrutable" sly smiling oriental. Yeah Watchtower = Dumb. Farkel = SOOOOOOOOO Smart.
You are entertaining the "haters". There is nothing in your piece that is humorous to people who want to promote love, peace and understanding in the world.
i have been thinking a lot lately about death.
this is not surprising considering the turn of events on the 11th.. i have been re-awakened to the transient nature of human life and how it can go in the blink of an eye.
as the bible says life is vanity and a striving for the wind.. with all of the talk about world war 3 and how dangerous this world has become, i have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster this past week.. the fear of dying is a normal and basic emotion.
Available Light:
Propaganda can inlcude "proven" facts, as well as opinions. Propaganda is defined by "intention". The intention can be to get people to love or hate something. Jehovah's Witnesses are also experts at propaganda. One thing is certain - when facts are few there is little value to be obtained than "propaganda". I feel it is important to call things propaganda when that is the main purpose.
We literally are swimming in propaganda all the time. It is a healthy reminder.
the anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.. you see a lot of this here.
it is mostly a cover for irrational hatred.
most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously.
The anti-cultists are narrow minded and uninformed to say the least.
You see a lot of this here. It is mostly a cover for irrational hatred. Most religions organized in a way that they expected their members to take their beliefs seriously. The warp & woof of the social fabric consists of an endless variety of -isms all of which are adhered to with a devotion not un-like cults. Identifying cults is about as scientific as identifying RACE. And the purpose of both is to provide an instrument for marginalizing their targets. The recent banning of the Salvation Army by the Russian government because they are a "paramilitary" organization is an example of how low the "haters" will go.
Read Max Webers "The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit Of Capitalism". The main thesis is that the dominant force of our world - CAPITALISM was given birth and nurtured in the emergence of protestantism. Protestantism was the "new" religion of its day. At this point in time 500 years has obscured our view of the innovativeness of protestantism.
Max Weber describes CapitalISM as eventually squeezing out the last drops of humanness from the social order and placing us all in an iron cage he describes as follows:
"Specialists without spirit, sensualists without heart, this nullity imagines that it has attained a level of civilization never before achieved."
Eventually the rationalization would engulf everyone in a pervasive "disenchantment" with the life that characterizes "modernization". Weber felt that perhaps some "cult" may emerge such as "protestantism" that would redefine the vision of what it means to be human.
The subcultures created by youthful religous communities are perfect laboratories within which to experiment with new forms of social organization. Members of such groups are open to this kind of experimentation for two reasons: First, they are frequently adverse to at least some features of modern society. Second, they are often inclined to accept the insights of their religion's leadership as being on par with- and sometimes more legitimate than the norms of the surrounding social order. New religions promote an environment within which alternative ideals and social arrangements can be practiced. Once these ideas have been established they have the potential for breaking free and influencing the larger society.
This is exactly how evolution was possible. Isolate a population -usually by geological events. In isolation the population forms new characteristics. When the barrier drops this "new" organism competes and sometimes finds that its' new characteristics are over powering.
Those who would like to stop the activities of cults may be doing great damage to the world in which their children and their descendents live. Social-diversity is every bit as important as bio-diversity.
i have been thinking a lot lately about death.
this is not surprising considering the turn of events on the 11th.. i have been re-awakened to the transient nature of human life and how it can go in the blink of an eye.
as the bible says life is vanity and a striving for the wind.. with all of the talk about world war 3 and how dangerous this world has become, i have been on a bit of an emotional roller coaster this past week.. the fear of dying is a normal and basic emotion.
To say that JW's are more afraid of death than anyone else is an unproven assertion. So we have another thread of propaganda. You all obviously have developed your hatred of JW's into a past time.