This thread is a textbook lesson in the inability of people to interpret what is clearly written. It is no wonder that newspapers screw up stories on a regular basis.
Calling into question the claims of victims is not taking the side of perpetrators. So far we have our "hero", Mr. Bill, making that claim. What really surprises me is our resident "logician" AlanF acting irrationally. Yes my statement was hyperbole. And since I'm not REALLY the molester AlanF keeps asserting, I should probably take his statement as counter-hyperbole. But there is truth to my statement. Lawyers stand to make money in this endeavor. Victims are encouraged to wallow in "victimology" as a way to sharpen the broomhandle whose real destination is some kind of symbolic butt-poking of the Watchtower.
I never said that 99% of the claims of molestation are false.
I estimated that 99% of the people on this forum are one-sided on this issue. Judging from the comments here I may have to lower that to 80%
I am all for conviction of REAL molesters. There seem to be plenty of them. I don't believe that the uniquely private nature of this crime justifies the bending of the usual rules of evidence. It has not been proven that Children can't lie.
I am all for giving victims the counseling they need to change their perception of their experience from something "horrible and terrible" into something that was "unfortunate". This is the goal of counseling. It is the difference between a scar and a festering wound.
There is a part of me that wants to see the Watchtower organization get whooped for their arrogance. But the fair side of me says this ain't the issue.