Question: Can differences in religion affect the status of a marriage?
I'm a non-JW man with a JW wife who converted to it three years into our marriage. As I was working in the graveyard shift most of the time, I haven't had the time to really check out what this JW thingy is really about. It was only after three years ago that I started looking into this messy piece of crackpots. I started printing out the history and failures of the Watchtower, how they twisted the Bible verses into a pretzel, and tried to share it with my wife. Unfortunately, she was not that willing to face the possibility that she's getting the raw end of a deal with the WTBTS.... After all, she reasoned out that JW are also teaching good stuffs and firmly believes in the kool aid mix of "New Light" I'd admit that I haven't been exactly an exemplary husband...but I have been trying to open her eyes that this "salvation" she is believing in, is not the real thing.
She boycotted family reunions during the holidays, no birthdays and other occasions like weddings and christenings. As a result, I no longer attempt to arrange family reunions, had to go alone to weddings (making excuses to the host as to why wife cannot attend). Her own family no longer invites her to attend their side of celebrations. Right now, I just about had it, told her that I've given up hope on her, and that I have no more feelings, no love for her. Even told her straight out that her college education is a waste, with her blindly believing in the teachings of WTBTS without even engaging in critical thinking. She told me that it was a flimsy excuse to use her religion to declare that our marriage is dead. Is it?