Hi Sulla...It's hard for me to retrieve all the PMs. For some reason they appear some times and at others they don't. I've noticed I am not the only one who finds the PM system on here problematic. Just as well, I don't mind answering questions in front of everyone.
To answer your question about me, I didn't get to run with the big dogs at all in my 18 years with the Watchtower. They tried a few times--some of the members of the elders in my hall, and visiting overseers always asked me in those last years especially if I had a problem with a certain elder. I would always answer that I didn't.
It turned out that I was constantly approved for that type of service but one elder didn't like me. I know who it was now only because years later he approached me to confess all he had done in regards to me when he used to be an elder (he stepped down just before I made my exit). Being that I was educated and had some natural talents (don't know if that is what you would really call them, but he did) that he had always wanted, he always managed to bully the elders into keeping me from serving. I am glad I didn't as I spent those last several years wrestling how I should bow out. I just got up and left, went back to my family and the faith I was brought up in and was never bothered by anyone after that. I did catch up on some needed formal education too, with a background in etymology, Jewish studies, and theology.
Great post, Kepler. Yeah, I recall that Tolkien worked on the literary construction of Isaiah in the first Jerusalem Bible, but I don't recall if that was for the translation in the original French or if that was his handywork in the English translation (which was based on the French). The NJB, though based on the style of the previous version, still retains some of that "Tolkien" touch.
I can say one thing I learned about stories like Judith (and for that matter Job, Jonah and Tobit). It is not "non-canonical" outside of the Jehovah's Witnesses. The Catholics refer to it as Deuterocanonical and Protestants as Apocrypha. The book of Judith was indeed canonized (but "canonization" is not what most people think it is--I will get to that in a moment) as it was part of the Alexandrian Septuagint used by the early Church. It has always been regarded as a work of fiction, a parable, or better yet a "novella" by both the Jews and the Catholics/Orthodox. Though as a Jew I have to admit that my people don't include it in the Tanakh, it isn't considered bad or worthless or unimportant as the Governing Body claims it to be. It is a very important fable which teaches valid truths about the way God saves his people--usually contrary to the logic of the smartest humans. Judith, Job, Esther, Tobit, and Jonah are considered novellas or parables. They are based on real people but instead of history their story is told wrapped up in the garb of legend (just like Americans say: "His acts of heroism became the stuff of legend" meaning a real person inspired "legends" to be told about their actual heroics).
As to Judith being "canonized"--Jehovah's Witnesses are not educated enough to teach their people that canonization is an act of the Roman Catholic Church. No other religious group has ever made such pronouncements regarding the books in the Bible or engages in "canonization" of any type. We Jews never canonized our texts and the Protestants don't believe in a general authority that can make such a pronouncement. What the other religions of Christendom have done is "accept" certain texts as "inspired" (and those they do not consider "inspired" then tend to call "spurious"--and that word has a different meaning outside of Protestant usage). The "Scripture canon" is a unique mark of Catholicism. Since their religion existed before the New Testament texts were composed, and since it was a heretical member from their ranks (Marcion of Sinope) who raised the issue, an official "canon" was created by the authority the Church makes claim to having due to its historical connection to the original apostolic college. Other religions don't have ecumenical colleges or bodies that claim to speak in the "name (or 'seat') of Peter," so Jews and Protestants don't use the term "canonization" in any official or definite sense.
And for those wondering, yes, Judith was indeed written originally in Hebrew. Except for the Wisdom of Solomon and the editions to Esther (which were both written originally in Greek), all the other Deuterocanonical/apocryphal books were discovered in Hebrew in texts dating before the time of Christ in either the Qumran scrolls, the texts of Masada, or some of the other texts discovered in the last half of the 20th century.