That there was a Global Flood at a point in history where dozens of civilizations were so wrapped up in whatever it was they were doing they didn't notice drowning and carried on regardless. They built stuff 'before' the 'Flood' that still stands. As do trees that were hundreds of years old when they were submerged for almost a year. On this basis the Bible is not reliable. But your empty philosophy tastes of ashes Rex, and they are not the ashes of torment your mean spirit would condemn all who do not worship your opinion to. They are the ashes of a paradigm that is devoid of value, devoid of support, full of hate and contempt for your fellow man, full of lies and distortions to back your evil little message.
If there is a god in the primitive violent vein you restrict him to in your ignorance, you will reap the whirlwind for your lack of love and your arrogance. Vanity is your chief motivation, just as is oft the case with your ilk.
It's not about getting people to worship god, it's about getting people to worship your opinion. I suggest you take up Yoga, that way you will, with some effort, be able to give yourself an equivalent act of worship you crave from others, even with the number of vertebrae you evolved with, and stop bothering nice people.
You still crave the simplistic 'answer god', the maker of lightening, the magic skyman who made the world. You still see value in primitive gods that once provided answers for what was then inexplicable.
You ignore that such human, petty, limited, childish conceptions of god now actually create more questions than the 'answers' they once provided to people. Much of the inexplicable is now explained, although primitive hateful minds cling to ignorance and superstition.
One such question your concept of god raises is - how can anyone claiming to give guidance from god (that's you) be so morally repugnant?