Good point! NVR2LB and VM44.
There's no chance for Conellius in Watchtower's eyes.
does the wts sanction baptism of gun carrying law officers?.
does being a cop or prison guard or any other occupation requiring the carrying of a weapon.
disqualify a person from personal dedication to jehovah according to the fds?.
Good point! NVR2LB and VM44.
There's no chance for Conellius in Watchtower's eyes.
this term apostates, sure there are many that [deviate] from the [true] message.. but how can those that sit in the pews be the ones that can be called apostates if they stand up and tell it like it is?.
apostate, its just [another] of [many] labels that are used by the watchtower so as to instill fear, so that no one will question the establishment.. but, jesus and others before him rose up to tell the story how it really is, and see what happened to them, nothing has really changed, the [false] story still goes on.. but, those who have doubts, know that the watchtower is full of shit nonsense, my question is, why are you still there?
will it get you anywhere by remaining?
Thank you for further information. I didn't know the same thing going on in Hong Kong. Interesting development!
this term apostates, sure there are many that [deviate] from the [true] message.. but how can those that sit in the pews be the ones that can be called apostates if they stand up and tell it like it is?.
apostate, its just [another] of [many] labels that are used by the watchtower so as to instill fear, so that no one will question the establishment.. but, jesus and others before him rose up to tell the story how it really is, and see what happened to them, nothing has really changed, the [false] story still goes on.. but, those who have doubts, know that the watchtower is full of shit nonsense, my question is, why are you still there?
will it get you anywhere by remaining?
Hi Yura! I am very sorry all the pain and suffer you went thru because of the Dog's Orgarnization. I have fellow feeling for you.
Although I am going to disagree with you on how you call the borg: Dog's Orgarnization. LOL. I am a first time dog owner for about 8 months now and I tell you I have been learning more good qualities from my dogs in last 8 months than I have with the borg for 25 years. Dogs are awesome!
Last I checked, some times last year in the WT magazine, that things were supposedly going better for the borg. It sounds like that isn't the case at least as of today. Has the Borg officially been banned recently in entire Russia I understand their work had been banned in Moscow a while ago. Would you like to share any more information on that?
Congregulations on your new marriage! I wish you best as you are dealing with your failing health
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
You guys are missing a whole point!
Have any of you participated in Ceders' JW Global Survey? If so, what was the reason? Did you actually believe that the GB will look into it and do something about it? If not why did you waste your energy? It make me smile over the thought of the GB being confronted by the pile of handreds of papers that contains the informations that they are not any more important than anyone walk on the street. I think that's worth for me.
I guarantee you it will be the US Government over the GB that will even acknowledge your petition.
We informed the government what's going on with the Watchtower who fought and claimed their rghts to all the way to the Supreme Court numerously, for example, government recognizing Consciences Objectors and yet they themsleves have been refused to acknowledge the same basic rights of Consciences Objectors and persecute them in worse way.
If any government officials read the petitions and are aware of it then I think we accomplish our mission. The matter is not in our hands afterwards. Neither you nor myself have to decide who the government will tax or how the Court interpret the law and its relationship on human basic rights over the rights of religion.
You must also understand why the Supreme Court ruled out the practice of Polygamy and the federal government enforced it as a federal law. the Government did not persecute the church. The Supreme Court defines that Mormons have right to believepolygamy as religious belief which constitued by the Constitution and yet the members have no right to practice it since it violats very core basic civil rights and civil marrage law.
I do not have any problem with the ruling and never ran into single American who consider it as religious persecution.
And another thing, please read the topic of the thread: 'Please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults....'
Simply walk away, if you wil, if it's not your cup of tea.
Edit: on no single american who consider it as religious persecution. Except some polygamists. ie: Warren Jeff, a leader of FLDS, who was one of the america's 10 most wanted by FBI for child sexual abuse. He is in the prison cell for the rest of his life.
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
Do some readings, research. and think before you spell out.
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
Let me help you with basic civic principles of the US.
What is the supreme law of the land? the Constitution.
What does the Constitution do? sets up the government, defines the government, protect basic rights of Americans.
The idea of self-government is in the first three words of the Constitution. What are these words? "We the People," the Constitution states that the people set up the government, The government works for the people and protects the rights of people. In the United States, the power to govern comes from the pwople. This is called "popular sovereignty."
What do we call the first ten amendments to the constitution? the Bill of Rights
What is one right from the First amendment? speech, religion, assembly, press, petition the government,.....
What are three rights in the Declaration of Independence? life, liverty, pursuit of happiness.
What is freedom of religion? You can practice any religion, or not practice a religion. the Pilgrims were the first group that came to America seeking religious freedom. Protecting the people from the religious persecutionwas the very reason why freedom of religion was included in the Bill of Rights.
What is the "rule of law"? No one(no person or group including religious leaders) is above the law. Government must obey the law. The rule of law helps to make sure that government protects all people equally and does not wiolate the rights of certain people.
Who makes federal laws? congress-Senate and dHouse of Representatives
What are the two parts of the US Congress? the Senate and House
Who does a US Senator represent? all people of the state
What is the highest court in the United States? the Supreme Court. The court can decide that a state law or action conflicts with federal law or with the US Constitution. If this happenes, the state law becomes invalid.
The Supreme Court case ruling Marbury v. Madison established this power, known as " judicial review." (ie. the Court ruled out polygamy practice of Mormon.)
The Supreme Court also rules on cases about significant social and public policy issues that affect all Americans. The Supreme Court ruled on the court case Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, which ended racial segregation in school.
What are some ways that Americans can participate in their democracy? vote, join a political party, join a civic group, give an elected official your opinion on an issue, call Senators and Representatives, publicly support or oppose an issue or policy, wirte to a newspaper,....
What did Susan B. Anthony do?(I will leave answers of this one for you. I am sure you eductated people should know the answeres. If not do some research about her. It will be good for you).
In my previous post I gave 4 choices of charactors you may fit into. You answered it yourself. Not me. In fact I did not single out any one of you but you volunterred and let all of us know who you are!
Robert and others, thank you for your hard work on others behalf!
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
What confuse me the most is that how come 'ABibleStudent', who was never a JW(I learned it from other unrelated thread) that he may have not experienced most of the painful heart aches we've gone/are going thru as ex-JWs and yet devoted himself in seeking for justice for you and me and the community and in commiting to reform social injustice to help others from being victimized as we did. What he got to gain or loose?
I am begining to wondering about some of you wether you really are who you claim to be?
There are reasons why most of us not participating this campaign. Some of us are in fear of being discovered by the borg. Some of us are simply indifferent about it. Some don't believe it will get any where. I am one of these 3 groups and working on to move to next step. In the mean time, I can at least being encouraging to these selfless activists who are working hard on my behalf. I can see some in good intention may express their concerns of relating issues in the petition. But why following every steps of the Petitionists and harrassing, accusing, opposing them? Is this all about popularity contest and territorial? Or Are you Watchtower apologists or even their spies? What's going on?
i have an issue with preaching.
specifically, going door to door, talking to people who, for the most part, have no desire whatsoever to hear what i have to say.
more specifically, being required to do so as a means of salvation.
Welcome leaving-quietly,
Luke 21:8 is one of many scriptures the Org. deliberately avoid in the Wt publications. I have another one.
'Reasoning' book p.133 under the subheading'True prophets speak in the name of God, ..' The book quoted from Deut 18: 18-20 in identifying the False Prophets. It however deliverately dismissed following verses of 21 and 22 which reads,
21 And in case you should say in your heart: "How shall we know the word that Jehovah has not spoken?"22 when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true, that is the word that Jehovah did not speak. With presumptuousness the prophet spoke it. You must not get frightenedat him.
Notice next sentence that reads,
If any individuals or organizations claim to represent God but decline to use God's personal name, and make it a practice to express their own opinions on matters, are they measuring up to this important qualification of a true prophet?
Wow, no wonder the book dismissed verses of 21 and 22 of Deut 18 chapter. The WTS has claimed they are the only group that uses God's personal name and here criticizing other orgarnizations for not using it. Yet who fit in to the Deut 18:21,21?
The interesting thing is that I never really remembering reading that particular scriptures. Why? That's one of the scriptures the WTS avoid like plague.
If you read carefully you will find one or more of following methods in almost every paragraph of the WT publications: mis quote, half quote, false scriptural aplication, taken out of context, self contacdicting, false analogy, scholarstic dishonesty, etc.
I was/am in for 25 years, pioneered for 15 of them, and read the entire bible several times and spent 5-10 hours weekly in studying the publications and yet never saw any of these fallacy up until recently. I am still stunned by the fact that how thoroghly I have been blinded.
You are not alone.
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
What else I can say more? Besides what I have already posted in related threads including this one.
Who am I to say you can't have a dream.
Who am I to run over the Tiananmen Square Protester.
Let the men be!
please sign the petition to remove tax free status from religious cults that shun!.
white petition.
"I have a Dream!" said Martin Luther King JR.
"NO, you don't!" said most people and killed him.