Your thinking is the first person you should examine with a fine tooth comb is the police “no matter how the criminal behaves”. That’s ludicrous! Criminal points a gun to the cops and you should examine the police?? Examine the lawbreaker and if he happens to be black don’t use his color as the reason to attack law enforcement.
Yes, the police are in a position of relative authority and they should be held to a higher standard and that should not even be a discussion.
"Criminal points a gun to the cops and you should examine the police??"
Nope, wrong discussion. Criminal points a gun at the police, officer retaliates with deadly force and kills criminal. There should be a post mortem/report of what happened and why deadly force was used. Criminal is dead so guess who gets to right the report and submit video evidence, the police. Part of the reporting is holding the office to a higher standard and making sure he followed procedure. It also serves at bases to improve policing and better train the officer. Why is that such an issue?