The first time I felt Holy Spirit, I wasn't in a group of people, I wasn't feeling emotionally charged or any of the other excuses people come up with to deny it. I was sitting alone at home, hadn't been going to the meetings that long, I was reading the Bible, not the JWs literature, the Bible, I had started at the beginning, and on this particular evening, I was bored out of my mind because I was reading the book of Numbers, how so and so begat so and so.
All of a sudden, it was as if somebody had injected me with Morphine that spread from my middle to my extremities.
I was in a good congregation, Caterham, wanted to do more for God, so I moved up to Glossop, never felt it again.
My view is that the society doesn't own the Holy Spirit, anybody that really wants to genuinely find him, whatever religion, he lets himself be found, just like the scripture says, if we grope for him, he will let himself be found.
I would guess watching me trudge through the book of numbers was a good indication tom God that I was genuinely searching for him. No idea why it disappeared when I went to Glossop though, the result was that without the encouragement of the Spirit, after a few years I lost the love I had at first.
Maybe something bad goes on in that area, the area of the Moors Murderers and Dr Shipley.