Its great to hear good news, more power to you.
Remember the best revenge is living well .
Oh I forgot you left Jahovah you can't possible be happy. Soon you will be living under a bridge smoking meth .
here is my sweet survival plan, post jw life!
...yet another part of my healing process...yes healing is g o o d.... .
btw, it feels so great to not have to hide and to able to put my picture up anywhere i feel like!.
Its great to hear good news, more power to you.
Remember the best revenge is living well .
Oh I forgot you left Jahovah you can't possible be happy. Soon you will be living under a bridge smoking meth .
so i've been studying with jws since april 2011.
1 year later i decide to become an unbaptized publisher and take steps toward dedicating myself to jehovah.
i'm a single working mother of 2 with what i will call a very "colored" past.
DO you realize you will be dedicating yourself to a Publishing corporation even though the "Teach book" says just the opposite
*** Bible Teach chap. 18 p. 183 par. 24 Baptism and Your Relationship With God ***
Remember, too, that you have made a dedication to Jehovah God himself, not to a work, a cause, other humans, or an organization . Your dedication and baptism are the beginning of a very close friendship with God-an intimate relationship with him
But yet here is what really happens this is the actual vow you will be required to affirm at baptism
"Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?"
Until 1985 the Watchtower Society theoretically viewed baptism as signifying a dedication to God and God alone, but legal challenges revolving around this correct view, where litigants sued the Society for requiring loyalty to it rather than to God and enforced such requirement by disfellowshipping, caused the Society to begin fooling proselytes into taking a legally enforceable vow that is nothing more than a loyalty oath and a promise to do anything the Society commands.
also see Changing Baptism Arrangement
it's nearly 2 months now but mrs punk finally left myself (mentally diseased apostate tm) with my 2 non kingdum hell attending boys.. she left when my jw daughter moved out and they moved in together.
i don't think it'll be long before my daughter gets sick of her mum but there you go!!.
i received a call from mrs punk to say: 'i didn't leave you because of the religion!'.
I can relate, as "the religion" is what broke up my marriage as well
im new to the site, as my username implies i am an abuse survivor, it was more then sexual, it was a very horrific type of abuse and no surprise the jw's that were involved were and still are being protected.
i have found posts here to be encouraging and glad to see i am not alone in my struggle and my fight.. i have a constant struggle/battle with emotional and mental health issues from the many many years of abuse but i am a fighter and try to keep on going, but am so glad to have found this site, it seems to be a source of encouragement :).
anyone have any ideas about this issue?.
is it really going to be that hard to ram this change down people's throats that they need to get all the elders all prepared and stuff?.
this past week randy was hospitalized.
he is now home recovering and has asked me to let you know that he will need a couple of days to recuperate.
in the mean time: if you have sent him emails or want to send him an email, it might take a couple of days for him to respond.. feel free to leave messages here for him.
get well
i know the anointed never get consulted.
but is it true that the governing body has modified the definition of the faithful and discreet slave to exclusively apply to themselves and to not include the thousands of other anointed..
anyone want to share some things that the watchtower has gotten busted for that even they can't weasle their way out of?
i was thinking about copyrighted images, illegal activity, etc... .
here are a few images they used that they "stole" from others, but claimed as their own.
i'm taking a break from jwn at the moment, but i thought i'd briefly jump back on to post some information that has been sent to me.. many of you will be aware that the governing body has somewhat hastily arranged another "kingdom ministry" school for the elders, and there has already been a degree of speculation on the forum as to what matters will be addressed at this meeting.. a friend has very kindly sent me the text of a letter to bodies of elders in britain which includes the meeting schedule as well as the reference material that elders are asked to bring along and "meditate" on beforehand.. here is the letter:.
to all bodies of elders .
re: kingdom ministry school.
No electronic devices HMMMMMMMMMM. Could it be that they are again going to say things they don't want there to be a RECORD of .
How honest and transperent of them .
And the secrecy continues.