Let me begin by saying most jws are decent people, who are trying their best to live an honest life. Just like the rest of us.
OK, so you came here because you are questioning your faith in God. But you also want to know how we got over certain indoctrinations of Jw's YET you do not care to hear about what you call anti witness info. Aren't you aware that you are technically asking us to share with you anti witness info?? Once you seek information outside of the organisation it is technically deemed "anti-witness info" .
Some of that anti witness info is what broke the chains of indoctrination for many of us.
How would you feel about being shunned if one day you are no longer a witness? Right now you seem ambivalent. Do you know the path you are going down? Or are you just looking to be a witness and pick and choose which doctrines you accept? (nothing wrong with that) Lastly, are you truly ready to wake up? Rejecting info is a sign that one is not ready to wake up, but want their ears tickled. Do you want a feel good message or do you want facts!
If you want facts, stick around this site ! :-) You may be pained or offended to read and learn things about the organisation but keep an open mind and heart.
Keep posting & commenting on the forums.