NewChapter, exactly!!
JoinedPosts by QueenWitch
Is going from the JWs to another Religion just a "Rebound?"
by braincleaned in*a rebound is the need to fill a void with something we partly had confort in; whether in romance or faith.... .
i posted the following in another thread, and i welcome your feedback - especially if you disagree with my logic.
"as per one of my notes, my biggest fear is my, our, natural tendency for confirmation bias.
Is going from the JWs to another Religion just a "Rebound?"
by braincleaned in*a rebound is the need to fill a void with something we partly had confort in; whether in romance or faith.... .
i posted the following in another thread, and i welcome your feedback - especially if you disagree with my logic.
"as per one of my notes, my biggest fear is my, our, natural tendency for confirmation bias.
To answer the original question -
I think there is a possiblity of going to a rebound religion after leaving JW. After I made the decision to not return, I researched other Christian paths, then other religions. I was introduced to SGI Nichiren Buddhism. This particular sect follows the president of SGI, Ikeda. Immediately, my spidey senses were tingling. Currently I'm part of my local UU congregation. It has enough structure for fellowship but I am free to follow my own spiritual way.
Exiting JWs need to be careful. Take lots of time to research before joining anything.
Golden Delicious. For some reason I don't tolerate red-skinned apples.
Yesterday was my Son's 21st Birthday
by 00DAD inyesterday was my oldest son's 21st birthday.
as many of you know, i've been disfellowshipped for over 3 years now.
in the spring of this year i did write to the local boe and request my disfellowshipping be rescinded.
My oldest turned 21 on the 17th. I'm sorry you were not able to share a drink with your son. As parents, we look forward to having an adult relationship with our kids.
Funerals of Disfellowshipped ones.
by exwhyzee insome time ago someone posted some information here from some of the wt literature (possibly questions from the readers) that shows it would be inappropriate for a jw to attend the funreal of a disfellowshipped person.
when our son was undergoing cancer treatment while disfellowshipped we realized that if he didn't make it, we'd be on our own to bury him.
thankfully he survived but it was this realization and the way the family and friends abandoned us during our darkest hour that started our exit from the religion and eventually sent us packing for good.
I don't want my mother at my funeral. If you can't talk to me now, don't see me off to the afterlife.
"The Calendar of Jehovah God"
by cabasilas in1935 saw the brief attempt by jehovah's witnesses to adopt a new calendar freed from any connection to other religions or with names derived from paganism.
the 1935 yearbook published without much explanation a chart showing "jehovah's year of ransom 1903.
" the yearbook said: "a series of articles in explanation will appear in the golden age.
The Toronto branch needs to fill their order of Vindication for the months between Vindication and Order.
BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! how confusing!
Anybody have a hi-res scan of a district conv badge?
by jws inanybody have a hi-res scan of a distict convention badge?
good enough that i can print it and have it pass for a real badge at first glance?
pm me if you don't want to post here and i can give you an e-mail.. .
green bible and maroon sb. I just got flashbacks
Were You Ever Comfortable Going From House To House?
by minimus inbecause i was raised a witness, i don't think i was "uncomfortable" knocking on strangers' doors.
(weirdo).. but as i got older, i simply didn't want to bother anyone so i was at there door for no more than 30 seconds.
at the end i hated being there..
Never liked it at all. I'm an introvert and the worst thing you can do is force me to talk to people.
by clarity ini do not want a funeral.
i especially do not want anyone standing before my family.
telling them who i supposedly ... am!.
in order of preference
1. Funeral pyre with hubs, children, & close friends & my fav brother. I've instructed hubs not to tell mother and sister and jw brother of my demise. If I'm not good enough for them to talk to me while living, I don't want them to see me off. Unfortunately, the pyre may be illegal here.
2. Natural burial as in no embalming. My body will be wrapped in (organic) cotton.
3. Donate to forensic body farm. Almost as good a natural burial.
I don't want an autopsy. I don't the memorial to be solemn.
New YouTube vide - Anthony Morris III reminds us of our privilege to donate to the Worldwide Work
by cedars in
I don't remember my baptismal questions saying anything about money..oh wait..
Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit-directed organization?
The video reminds me of a televangelizer asking people to donate to God.