Posts by qwerty
Which dog breed do you like?
by Panda inwell , with so many posts about pets i thought i'd ask this question.
we have 3 great pyrenees dogs.
the oldest is 11yrs and the youngest is 4yrs old.
by Corvin in.
complete video ready now.. jehovah's witness 'neath the tower of fear.
Now thats even better!
Will share it around if there's no Copyright!!!!?
Snipits from Sept 2004 KM's
by qwerty ini don't think i am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the km.. just look what tactics the organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!respecting jehovah's authority.
with what do you associate the ancient names korah, dathan, and abiram?
wiegel< where did you get the name or am I being fick ?
I know what you mean...........................
I can't believe how much they live in the Old Testament
Coz if they followed New Testement theology, they would be more like the person of Jesus in how they treat their followers.
Snipits from Sept 2004 KM's
by qwerty ini don't think i am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the km.. just look what tactics the organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!respecting jehovah's authority.
with what do you associate the ancient names korah, dathan, and abiram?
When I became "weak" in their eyes they went in for the kill and their unkindness and unloving attitude towards me and my family damaged my faith beyond repair.
Yep they've damaged the faith of many thousands if not millions.
Snipits from Sept 2004 KM's
by qwerty ini don't think i am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the km.. just look what tactics the organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!respecting jehovah's authority.
with what do you associate the ancient names korah, dathan, and abiram?
Snipits from Sept 2004 KM's
by qwerty ini don't think i am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the km.. just look what tactics the organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!respecting jehovah's authority.
with what do you associate the ancient names korah, dathan, and abiram?
So this article is not really aimed directly at respecting the Elders, but but more at shunning family members!
1) How should we respond to the decisions of elders in the congregation, and why?
In other words...Limit your association with family members who have turned there back on the Organisation. Cut anyone of in the family who turn "Apostate" coz you might find things out we don't want you to know!
(2) How can we counteract any improper motives within us?
In other words......Ignor your God given conscience, not to shun any family member.
(6) Who should never take priority over our loyalty to God, and when might this become a difficult test for us?
In other words......Anyone you are close too that's turned their back on the Organisation. This might become difficult because, you conscience tells you to show Love!
When you read what else are you doing?
by Panda inok usually i'll be drinking iced tea when i read... sometime coffee if i read in the am.
i've tried reading while mr.panda is watching tv but that doesn't always work.
so what do you do while you read?
So what do you do while you read?
Getting distracted by evrything else going on around me! I've never been able to concentrate, probably why my spelling is so bad.
Snipits from Sept 2004 KM's
by qwerty ini don't think i am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the km.. just look what tactics the organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!respecting jehovah's authority.
with what do you associate the ancient names korah, dathan, and abiram?
I don't think I am breaking any copyright law here by retyping (quoting) a small section from the KM.
Just look what tactics the Organisation are using by appealing to the consience of those trapped!
Respecting Jehovah's Authority
With what do you associate the ancient names Korah, Dathan, and Abiram? Rebellion! Against what? Godly authority. The details of their tragic course are recorded in Numbers chapter 16, and an overview of the matter is provided in the article "Loyally Submit to Godly Authority" in the August 1, 2002, Watchtower. You would find it beneficial to read this material and then view the sobering portrayal of it in the video Respect Jeliovah's Authority. You will see the conflict that developed between the faithful sons of Korah and their rebellious father, who was on a collision course with the Sovereign of the universe. (Num. 26:9-11)
true-life. drama should inspire all of us to develop our loyalty to Jehovah even more fully.As you watch the video, look for the evidence that Korah and his fellow rebels failed the test of loyalty in six crucial areas: (1) How did they disrespect godly authority? (2) How did they let pride, ambition, and jealousy affect them? (3) How did they focus on the deficiencies of those appointed by Jehovah? (4) What complaining attitude had they developed? (5) Why had they become dissatisfied with their privileges of service? (6) How did they let friends and family take precedence over loyalty to God?
Consider how the lessons learned in this Bible drama apply to our personal view of godly authority today: (1) How should we respond to the decisions of elders in the congregation, and why? (2) How can we counteract any improper motives within us? (3) How should we react to the imperfections of those appointed to take the lead? (4) What, should we do if a complaining spirit begins to develop in our heart? (5) How should we feel about any privileges we have been given? (6) Who should never take priority over our loyalty to God, and when might this become a difficult test for us?
After this information is discussed in the congregation, why not watch the video again? Let it doubly impress upon your mind the reasons why we must always respect Jehovah's authority!-Ps. 18:25; 37:28,
I've highlighted the point that is most likely to effect most of us on this board!
Comments welcome, anyone care to disect?
'Neath The Tower Of Fear: Video
by Corvin ini put this little video together to get my mind of recent events.
it sort of expresses my disenchantment and awakening since leaving the organization.
i hope you enjoy it.
I look forward to V2
by Terry inamong surrealist techniques exploiting the mystique of accident was a kind of collective collage of words or images called the cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse).
based on an old parlor game, it was played by several people, each of whom would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal part of it, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution.
i will begin the story.
............if we are in some sort of time warp where we keep jumping from the Kingdom Hall meeting, to Mookies house for a Bible study and back again! I wish I kept a diary of today?s events, she thinks, coz I am sure we both went to Mookies house for a Bible study. It dawns on her that it was the gases from the fart that made her fall into unconsciousness and dream about finding that elusive Bible study. All of a sudden..................