Someone pointed out the covers on JWtalk. Sometimes I wonder if every single person there is an apostate and everyone is just pretending to be a JW to get the juicy info!
JoinedPosts by puffthedragon
New DVD 2012 - Walk By Faith, Not By Sight
by AnnOMaly init only takes a couple of minutes to download.
the video quality isn't that great at times, but let see how this goes ....
it will suffice until someone puts up a better one.. .
by jnrtigbfxd0 inhey everybody im new here.
currently a pioneer in my early 20's, started straight out of high school, now wanting to go to college and working on getting out of pioneering.
also a former bethelite, ill make a thread on that soon.. .
Welcome bud, I sent you a PM if you check them at the top right of the screen.
a grunt's bethel experience
by jnrtigbfxd0 inthis was pretty easy actually.
so what if i sit down for a second?
same in the air-conditioned room where we made the foreign language orders.
jnrtigbfxd0 Thanks for your story bud. Check your PMs I sent you one. Sometimes when you try to go into them there is a error message but if you back up and try again it should come up.
I really want that first one to be legit.
If you got apostate vids on Youtube take em off now!!! Legal Dept to Sue!
by smithmandy1 ini've posted this on the wrong section so i'm posting it on here cos its sort of to topic as i know many of you have vids on youtube.
legal department are beginning legal action against google and its uploaders regards to apostate vids that slander the watchtower and/or contain copyrighted material!!!
my hubby knows people who know so heres my warning lol.
VP of google is a JW anyway. At least he still was last I heard.
Magic Mountain and Disney Land soon to be off limits to all JW's!
by Greybeard inwhy isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what god hates???
the truth is almost every jw has been to magic mountain or disney land/world.
we went in large groups when i was young.
blondie, all the nerds at bethel loved LOTR as much as they loved star wars and attention.
Sparlock review on Street Carnage
by puffthedragon inreview:.
the author of this blog, kyria abrahams is an ex-dub who wrote a book, here is a link: .
Cedars, we are well aware! And we are glad for your thorough review and that damn song that I can't get out of my head!!
Kojack, I haven't read it yet, I will get it on kindle. And I will return your In Search of Christian Freedom. Eventually... I'm about halfway through it.
Sparlock review on Street Carnage
by puffthedragon inreview:.
the author of this blog, kyria abrahams is an ex-dub who wrote a book, here is a link: .
The author of this blog, Kyria Abrahams is an ex-dub who wrote a book, here is a link:
I do not know her, I found this on reddit.
I love this one personally:
Magic Mountain and Disney Land soon to be off limits to all JW's!
by Greybeard inwhy isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what god hates???
the truth is almost every jw has been to magic mountain or disney land/world.
we went in large groups when i was young.
This one is almost a sales pitch.
*** g84 2/8 pp. 8-9 How I Found Lasting Happiness ***
How I Found Lasting Happiness
MY FIRST glimpse of Walt Disney in 1954 was quite a thrill! Here was the man with whom I had associated happiness ever since my childhood—the artist who had brought to the movie screen Mickey Mouse, Snow White and Bambi. And now here I was, employed as a film editor, working in his motion-picture studio in Burbank, California. For the next 30 years I would daily be in touch with all the fantasy of his creations.
Life at the Disney Studios was exciting! My eyes were continually bulging in awe of the many movie stars and the fantastic movie sets constructed to shoot a picture. For instance, there was the day when an entire sound stage was swamped with water and blown about by six powerful wind machines in order to create a fearful storm atmosphere. In the midst of all of this, actor Kirk Douglas harpooned a giant squid to save the submarine Nautilus from being sent to the bottom. Perhaps you remember the picture, called 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. It was based on a novel by Jules Verne.
Every day seemed a dream come true. My work was more like a hobby than a job. And I was being paid for it. There was something noticeably different about the people too. They seemed genuinely happy in their work! The 40 acres of sound stages, artists’ quarters, technical and executive buildings, were constantly aglow with a kind of team spirit. Smiling people were happy to be a part of Walt’s world. I felt I was happy then. But one day I would discover what true happiness was all about.
The “Magic Kingdom” and Happiness
Starting with his Mickey Mouse films in 1928, Walt Disney contributed to the pleasure of hundreds of millions of people. In 1937 he completed the first feature-length animated motion picture—Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It became a box-office smash and is still being re-released about every seven years to a new generation of children who, along with their parents, are utterly delighted!
Another development for Disney was designing entertainment parks. Amusement parks have existed for decades in places as wide apart as Coney Island, U.S.A., Blackpool, England, and Tibidabo, Barcelona, Spain. But Disney’s inspiration was his entertainment parks with a theme. The first to open was Disneyland in California in 1955, and then in 1971 the Walt Disney World with its “Magic Kingdom” in Florida. In 1982 EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) was added. Since 1983 the Japanese have their own Tokyo Disneyland as a reality.
Over the last three decades, more than 335 million people have purchased tickets to the Disney parks, to be charmed by the vision come true that Disney called his MAGIC KINGDOM! And as promised, once you’re inside, problems are usually forgotten. Happiness takes over.
Magic Mountain and Disney Land soon to be off limits to all JW's!
by Greybeard inwhy isn't it off limits if wizards and magic are what god hates???
the truth is almost every jw has been to magic mountain or disney land/world.
we went in large groups when i was young.
*** g85 11/22 p. 4 Technology—How It Affects Us ***
Technology—How It Affects Us
IN Goethe’s fairy tale The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, made popular by Paul Dukas’ music and Walt Disney’s movie Fantasia, the apprentice hit upon the idea of putting to use his master’s uncanny power to lighten his own work. He set a broomstick to work to carry water for him. Not knowing how to control it, he soon found that the obedient but mindless slave carried so much water into the house that a flood resulted. The story, of course, had a happy ending—the master came to the rescue.
Like the apprentice’s broomstick, technology is basically a powerful tool. It can be put to use to make our work easier, more efficient, and perhaps even more enjoyable. But when it is not properly controlled or when it is misused, it, too, can become a force with disastrous, even fatal, consequences.
*** g84 2/8 p. 3 “They Lived Happily Ever After” *** “They Lived Happily Ever After” “Once upon a time in the middle of winter, when the flakes of snow were falling like feathers from the sky, a Queen sat at a window sewing . . . she had a little daughter, who was as white as snow . . . and she was therefore called Little Snow-white.” THE German brothers Grimm recorded that story in the early 19th century and made it a part of their famous collection of fairy tales. In 1934 Walt Disney came up with concrete ideas about a film based on that very tale. He had made his reputation as an animator with his Mickey Mouse cartoon films. But now he wanted to do a full-length feature film that would include animated humans, not just animals. The result, three years later, was Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Maybe you are one of the millions who have enjoyed it. Why does the simple story of Snow White fascinate so many? Perhaps because it deals with the basic conflict of evil against innocence and the final triumph of innocence. See how children react to the wicked stepmother Queen as she systematically tries to do away with beautiful Snow White! Finally, in spite of the efforts of the dwarfs to protect Snow White, the Queen appears to achieve her aim to become the “fairest one of all” in the land. By guile she gets Snow White to eat a bite of a poisoned apple that causes her death. The Queen’s rival is now out of the way at last! But Snow White comes back to life and a handsome prince marries her. The wicked Queen is punished. “But as to all the rest—the Prince and his Princess Snow White, and the seven little dwarfs—they all lived happily ever after.” And in those final words we have the clue to the childhood, and sometimes adult, fascination with fairy tales—most of us yearn for a happy ending, to “live happily ever after.” Many film producers have been aware of this yearning among the greater number of mankind and have used it in animated films. But to what extent do these films really succeed in communicating happiness? Doubtless you have enjoyed this type of entertainment. Did it make you feel happy? Was it true happiness or only a fleeting emotion based on fantasy? Is real lasting happiness possible? The third article of our series, by a film technician, will tell the story of his search for true happiness. But first of all, have you ever wondered how an animated film is made? Awake! interviewed an expert animator who explained how film animation is achieved.