"He claimed a Hispanic judge could not give him a fair trial simply because of his race."
So claiming someone else is racist is now racist? In that case you and all your news friends, like your buds over at HuffPost are racist to for calling him racist. ;-)
"When his father's company was sued for racial
discrimination in renting (for which there was ample evidence), he
hired notorious lawyer Roy Cohn to start an all out legal war"
So when someone attacks him he defends himself, sounds like what a good leader would do. 
"He is beloved by white supremacists everywhere"
Hillery is loved by Rich Elitists and stupid people, your point is? Trump is also loved by a lot of Mexicans and blacks. Its the illegals/ and welfare dependent African Americans that hate him.
"He called a man at his ralley "my African American""
Same thing happened at an Obama event, were someone called Obama "My nigga". But I bet you did not hear about that on your news networks.
"As proof he "loves Hispanics" he tweeted a picture of himself eating a taco salad." When did eating TexMex and appreciating others culture become racist?
"He falsely claimed Obama was a Muslim and not a US citizen" No he did not say claim that as a for sure. He said he would like proof that he is a US citizen. Most people thought it was funny. It helped him win the primary thats why he said it. Ya it was a bit of a low blow but so what, as if others have not done low blows vs trump.