Never again.
JoinedPosts by apostatethunder
Were You Ever Comfortable Going From House To House?
by minimus inbecause i was raised a witness, i don't think i was "uncomfortable" knocking on strangers' doors.
(weirdo).. but as i got older, i simply didn't want to bother anyone so i was at there door for no more than 30 seconds.
at the end i hated being there..
Computer chair philosophers:
by FlyingHighNow in''i believe in everything, until it's disproved.
so i believe in fairies, the myths, dragons.
it all exists even it's in your mind.
I think John Lennon was a very good song writer and singer, but wouldn’t follow him as a philosopher or politician. Believing in fairies, and in everything until it gets disproved doesn’t sound very helpful to me. We were given brains to use them.
Very idealistic people can become accomplices of people with no scruples, in disseminating an idea and making it look harmless or even positive when in fact is very damaging. About the song Imagine is a beautiful song, but a dangerous utopia if it was to be taken seriously.
Normal people usually love their country, (it’s like an extended family), their possessions, their religion (with its private and social aspects), and all men living as one is not possible as evil people do exist and living at peace with them is just not an option.
Everybody has the right to express their opinion, and to be respected, which doesn’t mean you have to agree with them.
The same way that you don’t go through life insulting people’s haircuts, or ties, you shouldn’t insult something far more sacred for them like their beliefs.
Each of us has a glimpse of reality, not the whole picture. Reality is what it is, with or without our believing in it, and at the end all that will survive of each of us is that which is positive, negative energy tends to its own destruction.
This doesn’t sound like the letter of a peaceful Christian, but the letter of an agitator.
This organization represents everything I despise, and I am disgusted that I was ever a part of it.
Behind their kingdom smiles, they are a destructive cult, that wants to destroy not only individuals, but most importantly with a very strong political agenda.
You can know a person (or organization), not only for their friends, but also for their enemies. The Catholic Church, has a lot of enemies, even to the point of trying to kill the previous Pope, (before the fall of Communism), and I will never be on the side of any of her enemies, in whatever front they choose to fight.
Sometimes the only way to destroy an organization is by infiltrating it, and I think the Church has been seriously infiltrated in order to undermine it.
If it is so much of an obstacle, it is a sign that it does a good work.
The Church was the keeper of knowledge for many centuries, valuable things always arise envy.
Those who seek to destroy it by infiltration, discredit, propaganda, etc, are the ones that should be put out of the picture.
Could UFO Disclosure Bring About A Golden Age?
by metatron inthere are a great many people - and internet sites- that preach a sort of 2012/ufo gospel.
while they may contradict one another, they mostly teach that ufo's will intervene and save us, especially if governments admit that they exist.. yeah, ok..... been there, heard that..... but could there be a core of truth to this idea?.
what would happen if the world acknowledged that et's exist?.
I have a problem with criminals and psychos governing over the people that governs my country, and working behind the scenes to degrade and control society.
Same goes for people that relies on conspiracy, intrigues, insidious infiltration, manipulation of others, and crime to achieve their goals.
The Illuminate’s hand is clearly behind the two world wars, and the biggest crimes in the history of humanity, like the Russian and French revolution, which by the way the French continue celebrating every year, not sure if this means that they would advocate the same solution to eliminate the corruption and incompetence of nowadays governments: guillotine.
Freemasonry is another cult aimed at controlling people, the people at the bottom of the pyramid has no idea of the agenda they are supporting, pretty much like the witnesses have no idea what the WT is really about.
But unfortunately for them, some people will never be fooled, the truth is what it is, and doesn’t go away so easily. As Jesus said, if these remained silent, the stones would cry out.
They are prisoners of their own stupidity like other dictators before them, and are sowing their own misery.
Mine goes off at 6.56, it’s an old joke of mine.
How To Treat A Disfellowshipped Person
by Bangalore inhow to treat a disfellowshipped person.. straight from the horse's mouth.. .
Sounds very mentally sane.
Is the Governing Body EVIL or IGNORANT?
by cedars insome of you will have noticed that i've been paying a lot of attention to the governing body recently.
this is because most jehovah's witnesses venerate them collectively (even if they can't name them individually), and i feel this makes it important to understand this group of men properly and expose their mindset as individuals.
as the saying goes, i feel it's important to "know your enemy".. i realize it's very convenient to think of the governing body as being "evil" when we consider that they are ultimately responsible for all the damaging jw teachings and beliefs.
Usually both things go hand in hand. The end result is the same anyway, they are evil in my opinion, because unlike the rest of us when we were in, they have information about the workings of the organization that none of us had at the time.
Judge Rutherford Was Extremely Politically Neutral
by God_Delusion inhowdy guys and gals,.
yesterday i received an email from a jwb visitor which pointed me to the 1934 yearbook.
i was completely shocked to see just how politically neutral the 2nd president of the watchtower society really was.. here's the article -
What a big hypocrite.
“And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus.” Rev 17:6
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.