Whoever wins will follow the pre-established agenda, and unfortunately it seems clear we are heading towards a big international conflict. Romney and Obama, like ourselves, are not the ones taking the decisions. There are too many interests at stake here, but we should start demanding responsibilities from the people deciding about our lives and futures.
JoinedPosts by apostatethunder
United States and Israeli Relationship...
by chapstick ini posted the following comment after an article about mitt romney committing to put "all of the us cards on the table" over israeli security.
comments from jewish and israeli citizens welcome, no racism or nationalism intended.
does anyone consider this a reasonable answer to the palistinian issue?.
Award Winning Danish Movie on leaving JWs. You Tube link
by Balaamsass insaw this movie mentioned on you tube from an old thread.
seeing if it will post:.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/eidwxyacfmm" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>.
I remember watching the trailer when I was still in, and thinking it was done to put jws under a bad light. It is very well done and it reminds me how glad I am to be out of there now.
Could UFO Disclosure Bring About A Golden Age?
by metatron inthere are a great many people - and internet sites- that preach a sort of 2012/ufo gospel.
while they may contradict one another, they mostly teach that ufo's will intervene and save us, especially if governments admit that they exist.. yeah, ok..... been there, heard that..... but could there be a core of truth to this idea?.
what would happen if the world acknowledged that et's exist?.
We are better off without any sort of alien contact.
Aliens would be the perfect excuse to enforce whatever it is you want to enforce.
I Finally Understand the Kingdom Hall Scam
by jamiebowers inhttp://www.codyenterprise.com/articles/2009/02/19/news/doc4987722b2d8b5588859832.txt.
They are shameless.
What is the Actual Purpose of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by chapstick infrom the time i was a kid i knew something wasn't quite right about jehovah's witnesses.
most of the family on my mom's side are still in.
i'm treated reasonably decent by them due to the fact that i was never baptized.
It is difficult to know their actual purpose, what we know for sure is that they exercise a lot of control over the lives of people. They also go to great lengths to prove how neutral they are.
The Watchtower and the Masons
by ozziepost inthe latest edition of the free in christ ministries journal contains a very interesting article entitled the watchtower and masons.. drawing upon material from the book the watchtower & the masons by fritz springmeier, it gives the following parallels between the things that c t russell believed and those taught by the masons:.
* both believe jehovah is the most important word being the basis of their dogma, and the name of their god.
* both believe god yielded power to a lesser god.
By their own definition, the origins of something will corrupt a particular custom, tradition, or religion, so….
I left the Witnesses over 10 years ago, but finally went back
by JakeMarley inthe entire time i was gone it was nagging at me.
i hadn't been previously baptized, so leaving wasn't that big a deal.
now i'm back in the swing of it, going to all meetings and field service.
Well done Jake. Things are much simpler when you are a slave. Good luck to you! If you change your mind in another 10 years time, come back to this page. Someone will be here to welcome you to the real world (you will only be 10 years older, so what?).
You don’t want to take chances? You want peace? How about becoming a hermit or a Hare-Krishna? Have you also thought about these alternative solutions?
The world is certainly messed up, but abdicating your personal responsibility and becoming one of Jehovah’s Witness, will achieve exactly what?
I wish you the best.
Why you love America
by jamesmahon init struck me, as i guess it has a lot of people, that there are so many threads from both americans and the rest of us that seem to descend into america bashing.
i thought it might be quite nice to have a thread solely (and i mean solely - if this just turns negative i will call foul) on what we think is great about america.
as a brit who has lived and been over a number of times there are many parts about america that i think are great and thought is would be healthy to have a positive thread for a change.. so a starter for ten (with a few gross generalisations thrown in):.
Its ideals, which if not protected will end up totally disappearing soon and being replaced by others, maybe not so easily replaceable.
"Scriptural divorce"
by ilikecheese inso i was talking to my boyfriend about the whole jw scriptural divorce idea.
i made the point initally that i think when jesus was talking about reasons to get divorced, he was more or less just trying to discourage divorce for frivilous reasons.
you have to admit that there are a lot of people out there who just don't put much effort into it and just give up.
A wife in this situation wouldn’t be allowed to be at the JC, so she would never find out what her husband had said to the elders, or if these elders are watching pornography themselves.
When her husband commits fornication, he will blame her for not giving him his marital due.
If she divorces him first, because she doesn’t fancy having sex with a man that watches pornography she will be the one blamed as well.
So basically she is guilty no matter what.
Apparently scriptural divorce is what a group of pornography - watching elders decide it is.
Marital problems - advice (or support) please
by jamesmahon incompletely non-jw related this but value the diversity of experience and viewpoint on this forum.
i am going to sketch this out quick as i can but please ask any questions if the gaps need filling.. as some may know, i have been married for 12 years with two children (8 and 4).
my wife stopped work when the eldest was born and has been a stay at home mum since.
James, it is very sad, but it seems the marriage is clearly over for her. You both have the right to be happy, and most importantly you have two small children.
Whatever shortcomings your wife has, she is their mother, and even if you remarry another woman, this other woman will only be their step mother.
Your children have the right to be with their mother, and how you handle the divorce and the custody will affect them psychologically for the rest of their lives. Just remember this before you make any decisions. They deserve that you put their best interest ahead of your own.
All the best.