I'd vote for him twice just to hear liberals whine again.
Thankfully just like everyone else you only get one vote.
of the just loves to see liberals going down on themselves when they don't get their way class
Just because you are against many of the policies which George W. Bush incorporates then you are a bleeding heart liberal? Your generalizing and this is inappropriate.
Then again, whomever actually believes that your vote counts? I discussed this topic months ago and outlined facts to support my statements so I will merely repost links to those threads instead of taking up bandwidth reiterating the relevant points. Anyone truly interested can read for themselves.
Nonwithstanding issues brought up regarding disrespect for the environment, a shitty economy, implementation of "faith-based" initiatives despite the clear and concise speech in the Constitution outlining seperation of church and state, allowing his personal belief in Jeezus Khrist to guide him when making decisions banning potentially radical research such as stem-cells, and a war waged under false pretenses with bad intelligence presented as fact to incite support for a war where WMD are not found and US troops are killed...
I'd say plenty of issues and not just Anti-Bush rhetoric. Then again, Dakota only resurfaces on this website he claims to hate when it involves a political thread so he can spam right-wing rhetoric. I wonder why that is?
(waiting to be flamed by him anytime now)