I am one who thinks they do have significant money problems. They definitely did when Lett famously said they had more going out then in. Laying off a lot of bethelites might have stemmed the losses, and time will tell whether it is too little too late. The behaviour of Watchtower does suggest an organisation suffering tight financial constraints, with it selling halls and facilities, consolidating printing and reducing or eliminating what is being printed.
A while ago, I went through the Britain accounts in detail. I never got the chance to write a thread on it, and it is a complicated topic, but they show a large increase in donations and more money going offshore. Australian accounts show the same, and from memory the Canadian ones do as well. That might all sound healthy, until you realise that the donors are the congregations, not individuals.
Just to explain that further, from the UK figures, (from memory now), I calculated that the Britain branch (IBSA and WTBTS combined) were effectively getting £50 per publisher per month, in donations. But I doubt that if you look at the published figures for individual congregations, you would get close to that amount. If someone were to go through the accounts of each individual congregation and see how much they received in donations from individuals, and add that all up (a task far too big for me), you should be able to determine the real rate that Watchtower is losing money in Britain. That loss is being covered by raiding congregation accounts and selling assets, for the time being, but they can't do that forever.
The same issue is probably occurring in all the other wealthier "lands".
That former circuit overseer recently on reddit confirmed that his Central American branch was subsidised and couldn't pay its way, and needed $6 million in subsidy p.a. If branches there can't pay their way, then there is little hope of any African branch paying its way.
I don't think that there is an imminent financial collapse, but I do think that it is a much bigger problem for Watchtower than decline in membership.