Firstly, let me applaud ILoveTTAT for his/her work, including translating jwfacts. It is extremely important work.
One comment and two questions:
If Mexico falls, pretty much the whole Watchtower falls.
Maybe in membership numbers, that is sort of true. However, Watchtower is essentially a business, and that means wealthy USA with its 1.2 million is by far the most important "Land". That being said, the borg is proportionaly more of a blight on the people of Mexico than virtually any country in the world.
First question: I was wondering whether Mexico becoming any less overwhelmingly Catholic, which may partially explain the flattening growth. My reason for asking is that I have noticed that the borg's success in any particular country seems to be directly proportional to how "Christian" a country is. Countries where there is a high proportion of the polulation professing Christianity seem to have the most JWs. Countries where the proportion of Christians are dropping seem to have had lower JW growth.
Second question: Does anyone know if JWs in Mexico are getting older on average (as statistical data shows they are in Aust and USA)? My reason for asking is that, after sifting a lot of data elsewhere (see my own threads), that gradually flattening growth is likely to coincide, even caused by, a membership that is ageing, which in turn is a reliable predictor of future growth/decline. Average age in a religion where many people are joining and leaving is not that important, but JWism is now a religion where there are few converts, and so the issue is very important. If the average age of JWs is increasing, or significantly above the population, it amounts to "locked-in" future decline.
But thanks again, ILoveTTATT. Please keep up the good fight.