My ancestors were all Roman Catholic, and in Australia, Roman Catholics were heavily discouraged from enlisting, during WW1. The Catholic Church also successfully campaigned to block conscription at the time. The following wikipedia article gives a bit of the history:
Amongst my ancestors, and their near relatives, only one man enlisted to fight in WW1. He fought in France for a good portion of the war. His record shows he was injured twice, and he was in trouble for insubordination at one stage. He survived but needed a walking stick for the rest of his life. He died in his 90's. He never talked about it.
One of the stories I heard was that when he returned from WW1, he would never attend church on Sunday mornings. He would sit outside during the whole service, reading newspapers, while his family was inside. That went on for years, before a very dominant wife managed to get him back into attending.
The anti-war attitude in my family pervaded into WW2. Again only one of them enlisted and, I gather from how it was described to me as a kid, that he was very much frowned upon by his relatives for doing so. He never returned. I gather that my ancestors never bothered to find out the details, but I looked them up from military records. It appears that he died with the rank of Corporal during the Battle of Alemain, on a day when the Australians lost a lot of lives (around 80 from memory) capturing an important German position.
I presume that this relative is buried in a war grave in Egypt. I am sure that none of his relatives or their descendants have ever visited, or even knew anything about the sacrifice he made.