I wasn't particularly having a go at you, LUHE. Anyway:
I read that Khashoggi's friendship with Bin Laden ended after Khashoggi publicly condemned the 9-11 attacks.
Do you have any evidence of any contact between the two after bin Laden founded Al Qaeda?
I read that Khashoggi joined the Muslim Brotherhood in 1970. When did he leave the organisation?
1970? Sheesh. That is like asking when did someone leave the liberals, the social justice warriors, or the red necks. Where does one fill out a form to leave the Muslim Brotherhood? Where does one fill out a form to leave the red necks.
By the way, when I was in the middle east working with a lot of Arabs, one Arab (never had been to a Western country) told me there was an evil policical organisation he had heard about in the USA, that hate Arab, and they were called "The Red Necks".
More accurately, the Muslim Brotherhood's aim is to use a democratic vote to usher in Sharia, after which there will be no more democratic votes.
Muslim Brotherhood would (consistent with their interpretation of Sharia law) want to establish a Majlis, which is loosely equivalent to a parliament. The democratically elected parliaments in countries such as Iran, Oman and Maldives, for example, are all called a Majlis. (The one in Oman has no real power.)
It's important to state this and distinguish it from groups which genuinely believe in democracy!
I wish it was that simple. Irrespective of religion or political leaning, there are always people who seek power, and are happy to pander to whatever ideological or social appeals may be available to advance their quests for power.
Eg the Ayatollahs got power from the Shah of Iran with massive support of those seeking democracy, and also various communist leaning groups. The Ayatollahs would never have succeeded otherwise. After they got power, they systematically executed the communists.
One thing for certain; MBS doesn't support democracy.