No, it isn't a news report - it's a police press release. And you can compare it with another - but virtually the same - law enforcement agency's press release published in the same region on the same date:
You also can watch this local state TV report (at 0:10-0:18, 0:58-3:03):
I think now you are satisfied it were JWs.
Also, can you please say whether those articles and videos contain any claim or indication that the video in question was created by Watchtower or by anybody else other than the police? Or accusations of something other than proselytizing and conducting group literature studies - like, say, bomb making (lol)? I would be grateful for your response.
As I expected, you were unable to address my arguments. I'll answer the single counter-argument you provided.
The blurred faces are the dubs, not the police.
First, some people whose faces were blurred are law enforcement officers (оперуполномоченные, or опера, who don't wear a uniform). Proofs are here:
Second, my argument 3(b) that you ignored applies to JWs.
And as somebody whose native language is Russian and who studied Russian law and read thousands of pages of publicly available court decisions, "expert opinions", legal comments etc., not to mention countless media publications, I certainly can certify those things.
Nobody prevented you from defending your case. But you opted to clown around. You defaulted.
As Justice Holmes would write, five pages of fruitless discussions is enough. I'm not going to reply to your future comments in this thread (but I don't promise I won't). I hope Athanasius will be so kind to spend his time on this nothingburger - and then he'll confirm that your claims lack any merits.
Your trio of elders и примкнувший к ним Шипилов.