I will post here various texts I've found interesting but not worth of separate threads.
Saturday, October 3, 2020.
Christopher C. Lund, Martyrdom and Religious Freedom, 50 Connecticut Law Review 959, 986 (2018)
How much of a role does martyrdom, and fears of martyrdom, have in our system? When we give religious exemptions, is it because we think people will back down otherwise or because we think they won't? What is religious liberty trying to avoid - the prospect of martyrs or the prospect of broken consciences? Formal doctrine, at least most of the time, does not ask about such things; the law has an official policy of not inquiring into how its official policy will be received. Yet maybe martyrdom, and the prospects of martyrdom, do matter. Maybe such things do enter, however subtly and however modestly, into how controversies between church and state are framed and resolved.
Link 1 (Digital Commons) / Link 2 (SSRN)
A thought-provoking essay which cites multiple JW cases.
A Liberal academic's confession of thought crimes. "So insincere, so utterly petrified. This letter encapsulates the spirit of the American intelligentsia in 2020." (John McWhorter)
From the "Why I'm afraid for the future of our civilization" case, Exhibit 9001.