Ooops, something went wrong(
Simon could you delete the duplicate posts, please?
i. as many here know, four or five years ago watch tower society of pennsylvania tried to register and jw library trademarks in us, but uspto refused registration due to likelihood of confusion with jw player trademark.
" and "watch tower library" ones):.
jw library - registered on aug. 25, 2015;.
Ooops, something went wrong(
Simon could you delete the duplicate posts, please?
i. as many here know, four or five years ago watch tower society of pennsylvania tried to register and jw library trademarks in us, but uspto refused registration due to likelihood of confusion with jw player trademark.
" and "watch tower library" ones):.
jw library - registered on aug. 25, 2015;.
Mid-autumn update on JW.ORG logo's trademark status
During the last 5 months, Syria has confirmed its provisional refusal, Uzbekistan has reversed its one, Bahrein has granted protection and Brazil has registered the trademark.
Updated map (full image):
i. as many here know, four or five years ago watch tower society of pennsylvania tried to register and jw library trademarks in us, but uspto refused registration due to likelihood of confusion with jw player trademark.
" and "watch tower library" ones):.
jw library - registered on aug. 25, 2015;.
Mid-autumn update on JW.ORG logo's trademark status
During the last 5 months, Syria has confirmed its provisional refusal, Uzbekistan has reversed its one, Bahrein has granted protection and Brazil has registered the trademark.
Updated map (full image):
i. as many here know, four or five years ago watch tower society of pennsylvania tried to register and jw library trademarks in us, but uspto refused registration due to likelihood of confusion with jw player trademark.
" and "watch tower library" ones):.
jw library - registered on aug. 25, 2015;.
Mid-autumn update on JW.ORG logo's trademark status
During the last 5 months, Syria has confirmed its provisional refusal, Uzbekistan has reversed its one, Bahrein has granted protection and Brazil has registered the trademark.
Updated map (full image):
the link bellow is sort of ok. i could not find a decent article in english language about this, but russian media is exploding.
2 days ago a teenager killed 19 people and injured dozens and committed suicide.
he was raised in a jw family.
Some sources claim that Roslyakov's mother was (yes, in the past tense) a JW, another say she was or is a member of unnamed "sect" or just a very religious woman. On other hand, according to a member of a local Pentecostal church, she participated in events of that church. Taking into account all available information, I conclude that she almost certainly was a Witness (or "studied Bible" for relatively long time) and is probably still in the org.
Anyway, NOBODY among the shooters' acquaintances claimed Roslyakov ever was a believer. According to one source, he called his mother's co-believers "fools who sing and dance". There were claims that he smoked, wanted to serve in a military, was saving money during three years to buy a gun etc.
As to claims that Roslyakov was raised in austerity and strictness, was deprived of entertainment and controlled and even frisked by his mother etc. All such claims relate to his school years (pre-2015) and were refuted by one of his teachers and by some classmates. I think there is still too little information to conclude how Roslyakov was raised. All speculations about causes of that tragedy, especially such nonsense as of OP, are premature. There is still too little information, please wait for more details. Period.
from bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
Two more politically biased stories about grenades, JWs and Russia.
2011: A triggered combat grenade F-1 was thrown into the KH yard in the city of Nartkala (Kabardino-Balkaria). The grenade failed to explode, but it blew up later, in the course of de-mining.
Nobody was hurt. Police initially refused to open criminal case. Only three months later, after multiple complains to the Ombudsperson's and the regional prosecutor's offices, the investigation was initiated. A year earlier, two JWs in the same KH were beaten and the building was set on fire.
There is no information on whether somebody was ever prosecuted for any of these incidents, or whether they were really investigated. Zero press release and commentary from police. And no coverage from major news agencies, newspapers or TV.
2015: Arsen Abdullayev, a JW elder, was illegally (without any lawful reason and any records) arrested, beaten and threatened by police officers that tried to steal money from his mother's bank account and planted an "extremist" book, drugs and a grenade in his bag and home. He was charged with possession of drugs and weapons but the criminal prosecution was eventually discontinued thanks to the policemen's stupidity and the work of three lawyers defending Abdullayev. Again, no coverage from large media.
Both stories were at least partially confirmed by non-JW sources.
(2018: WW2-era artifacts were found in a home where one Witness lives. State TV: Sectarians are arming! They are planning something!)
OrphanCrow I am interested in accuracy, that's all... That is why I regularly visit to find out what exJWs inside of Russia are saying and what they report.
I hope you know how to distinguish facts from misinterpretations, fantasies and unchecked fake news that are frequent on that site with a dozen or slightly more Russian exJWs remaining there after three exoduses.
LoveUniHateExams, "extremism" is just a pejorative label without generally accepted meaning. I saw tens different definitions of "extremism", from very narrow to extremely vague. As Dr. William M. Downs wrote, this term "is conceived by some to be akin, ironically, to beauty in that it exists only in the eye of the beholder".
For example, many will argue that Brexit or Trump or Corbyn supporters are "extremists". In the Soviet Union, Baptists and Muslim Brotherhood were called "religious extremists". Playing with the words "extreme" and "extremist", it is possible to argue that Catholic teachings on abortion, divorce, gay marriage, IVF, women priesthood, Pope's authority etc. are "extreme" and therefore the Catholic Church is "extremist".
Finally, many national and international bodies using this term stress that not everything considered as "extremist" should be illegal, and bans and prosecutions shouldn't be the main method of dealing with "extremism".
That's why any discussion on whether JWs are "extremists" is pointless. But surely, there are other issues that can be discussed.
from bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
I say about the same large media that spread this "news", like RIA Novosti, TASS, Interfax and (especially) Rossiya 24.
7x7 is small, poor, little-known and attacked by authorities. Not a good example, I think.
from bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
Latest info: according to a local social activist who attended court hearings, and to the org's press release, the found weapons (two F1 hand grenades and a mortar shell, as was claimed on state TV) were unsuitable WW2 artifacts. They were possessed by a non-JW pensioner, formerly a volunteer searching for the remains of fallen Soviet soldiers, who is husband of a 69 yrs old Witness.
Surely, media (that didn't even try to request for more details from police or for a comment from the org) won't correct or retract their reckless and dishonest coverage of this nothingburger, and I wouldn't be surprised if few months later a Church-affiliated "expert" will lecture police officers about "a large arsenal that was seized from Jehovists in Kirov".
from bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
Diogenesister, just for clarification, Kirov region wasn't a WWII battlefield.
from bbc news "five jw's from the kirov region detained with about $ 7,500 accused of funding and organizing meetings....they found literature...and two hand granades and a landmine".
the russians are such idiots planting evidence....and quarrelling with the neutral and sheepish jw land...and of course inflamating their persecution complex.
There is no money laundering without a predicate offence resulting in income generation. In discussed case the committed "crime" is a crime of the same kind as "crimes" of "apostasy", "sodomy" or "anti-Soviet/anti-Government agitation". That's not legitimate criminal charges.
And since the religious group was deprived its legal personality, it cannot be a taxpayer, and accounting isn't required. It can be considered like some persons collectively used their personal income - on which income tax was already paid - to fund their group activities. Therefore, there was no tax evasion.
"An investigation WOULD reveal money being funnelled back to USA; where else would Watchtower want it to go but to themselves?" - According to the police press release, donations were collected "for paying the expenses of rental of premises for conducting meetings with members of the organization and purchasing and maintaining computer equipment" - and also for "transferring them to leaders of the religious organization 'Administrative Center of Jehovah's Witnesses in Russia'" - a claim that's very vague and can be understood in multiple ways.
Finally, I'm for full transparency of religious finances but that's irrelevant here.