According to you, the soul lives on after death, so, have you heard from any of your friends or relatives who may have died?
If you have, did they tell you what the afterlife is like and about their conversations with God?Souls after the death of the body are only in heaven, purgatory or hell. They can't contact the living and vice versa.
I'm going to restate a question that I've asked twice now. What is your source of information? Who has given you all this supposed knowledge on the inner workings of the soul? According to you, souls that have been separated from the body (presumably the only souls that can remember being heaven, hell, or purgatory) can't speak with us physical beings to corroborate anything you're saying on the subject. As far as I can tell you have a lot of "answers" but zero proof.
"What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence." - Christoper Hitchens