Additionally, if we stay dark and mysterious, we are more likely to get good gifts. LOL
JoinedPosts by RedhorseWoman
I Need advice on Women.
by spectromize inokay, here is a few questions concerning women that i would like a little help with.. supposing your trying to get some lady's attention because your interested in her, what is a good approach without sounding to cheesy?
another question is how do you know and what are the indications that the girl is taking interest in you, and what are the indications she wants you to take a hike?
by Liverwurstest ini have just gained a new little girl.
my wife bore an 8lb baby girl with many complecations.
the majority were taken care of with surgery but she is also deaf.
Frenchy....who ever said that these were suggestions? (hehehehe)
Writing private letters to the Society.
by spectromize infor anyone who's ever written something of a private nature or asked clarification on certain beliefs have you ever had the unfortunate experience of the elders calling you in the back room or a sheperding call ?.
the reason i bring this out is that newer brothers or sisters don't know that everytime you write the society the society sends a copy of your letter to your local cong.
How horrible for both you and your daughter. **HUGS****
I believe that Jehovah will definitely hear your prayers. He loves ALL His children, and He understands the horror your daughter has been through. Whether or not it is acceptable to men, I will include your daughter in MY prayers...and you, also.
Mediator for Great Crowd?
by waiting insorry no scriptures are quoted, i'm at work - but for all you that are diligent, i'm the owner and i can be on the web when i feel like it!.
i have been reading, a lot.
again, why do we pray through jesus, if he is not our mediator?
Maybe, just maybe, we girls should....naw, it wouldn't fly. (sigh)
Reply to Redhorsewoman on prayer.
by spectromize inhi redhw,.
i've been having a few problems with my computer so anyways i thought i'd reply to you in a new thread.. you said:" spectromize, i disagree with your assertion that because someone is not a jw, their prayers must therefore be answered by satan.".
i never asserted or even said that.
If I misinterpreted you, I apologize. It did seem to me that you were stating that any prayers outside of the Organization would be answered by Satan unless the person were being guided toward becoming a JW. Your comment on the Pharisees wasn't totally clear to me. It seemed that you were saying that they were praying for riches and thought that their riches were as a result of their prayers. My comment on that was that these men were obviously not receiving answers to prayers, but were doing things for their own benefit, and reaped what they had sown.
I still believe, from personal experiences and observation, that Jehovah will answer prayers of those showing faith in Him....not just those in the Organization.
But, you see, she wasn't stupid....she was biding her time (hehehehe)
by Liverwurstest ini have just gained a new little girl.
my wife bore an 8lb baby girl with many complecations.
the majority were taken care of with surgery but she is also deaf.
One additional thought. Don't wait for the New System....your daughter needs to live in the here and now. Although hope for perfection and total health for her is a wonderful thing, don't put her present life on hold. She needs to learn that her life every day is a gift from Jehovah, and she needs to learn that she is as good as anyone else right now, today.
by Liverwurstest ini have just gained a new little girl.
my wife bore an 8lb baby girl with many complecations.
the majority were taken care of with surgery but she is also deaf.
I know that it is very difficult for you right now, but remember that sometimes what seems to be a burden can work out to be a wonderful blessing.
Having a disability does not mean that your daughter can't have a wonderful, productive life. Look for what she CAN do and nurture and encourage that. Don't bemoan what she can't do.
If you can keep your spirits up and be constantly alert for your daughter's emerging strengths as she grows, I know she will feel valued and loved and special.
Be angry with you? How could we ever be angry with you? After all, you've just given us such wonderful reasons to start posting male-bashing jokes without making us feel guilty. (hehehehe)
Okay, you asked for it.....
A woman is in the delivery room and her baby has just been born.
The doctor approaches her carefully and says, "Mrs. Brown, I don't know how to tell you this....but your child is a hermaphrodite."
The woman looks shocked, then says, "you child has both a penis AND a brain?"