While I agree that getting out and enjoying Jehovah's creation is a wonderful thing, I do have to disagree with your means of transportation.
It's much better to get out there on the back of a horse. :)
for years i denied myself the thing i loved to do the most to be a good jw.
i love to ride off-road motorcycles.
so, i am going to indulge myself and get a new dirt bike.. i love to see god's creation from the vantage point of a motorcycle on a mountain top.
While I agree that getting out and enjoying Jehovah's creation is a wonderful thing, I do have to disagree with your means of transportation.
It's much better to get out there on the back of a horse. :)
or an apostate..hate that term..i walked away from it, i dont believe any of it anymore.
so who is going to be the first to tell me to leave so as not to taint the board?.
i am 48 female married 30 yrs to same man, very moral, no drugs no alcohol no smokes..just common plain jane here..since i dont believe does this make me bad association..if it does i laugh in your face...now having said that and getting past this, sounds like so many here are disgruntled..if so why do you stay?
I tried to reply to you last night just as the server crashed. I notice my reply didn't go through. :(
In any event, feel free to join in the discussion...I'm sure you'll have many interesting points to contribute.
the latest wt questions from readers on blood.
fractions of all "primary" components are now allowed?.
is this saying that everything is allowed except when they're combined together?
Very interesting points, SC. I had never looked at it quite this way.
I know firsthand of the pain that the no-blood policy can cause. My dad was taking a blood thinner for his heart problems. My mom had gone into the hospital for a minor procedure, but my dad always worried himself sick whenever my mom was laid up.
Needless to say, he got so tense that a fissure broke open in his colon. Now, Dad was also a stoic. He said nothing to anyone about the fact that this fissure was bleeding almost constantly.
After my mom got home several days later, she discovered what had happened. By the time Dad got to the hospital, he had lost a massive amount of blood. Due to the blood thinner he was taking, they could not get his blood to clot.
We were faced with a major decision. With a transfusion, it was 100% certain that Dad would recover totally. Without a transfusion, it was 100% certain that he would bleed to death.
My mom was totally torn apart by this. I didn't know what to do, but I did know that it was my dad's decision. Mom and I tried to urge him not to take blood, but I'll be perfectly honest....part of me wished fervently that he would take it.
Dad did make the decision to take the transfusion, and he recovered quickly and totally.
The reason he did so brings up another issue altogether, but it was something that shook my belief structure just a little more. Dad had a near-death experience. He told me later that it was because of that that he decided to take the transfusion.
He said he was traveling down a dark tunnel towards a wonderful, bright light. He felt eager to reach it. As he neared the light, however, he felt a presence at his side and a "hand" on his shoulder. This presence turned him around and told him that it was not yet time for Dad to leave, but that Dad had additional things that needed to be completed.
It was the revelation that he needed to complete additional things for his children that caused my father to regain consciousness and ask for the blood transfusion.
(the david bowie song in case you're wondering).
there seems to be a lot of talk and speculation about the changes that are coming at the next district conventions.
there have certainly been quite a few articles and talks (esp.
Well, the generation thing has already gone, so 607 and 1914 seem to be the next logical progression.
Perhaps something new about the 144,000? After all, the presumed last members of this class are pretty old. Or has this already been taken care of? I get so confused sometimes. (sigh)
just wondering if any here has an unbelieving mate that shows more love than any "brothers" or "sisters" in the truth.
actually, i'm not so sure about "truth" anymore.
Hold on there, Dubby. While I go along with the consensus on love, I do have to take issue with the dirt bike thing. "Enjoy God's creation, ride a dirt bike"? No, no, no.....enjoy God's creation, ride a horse! :)
This board is great. It's nice to be able to express ideas and concerns without fear that we'll be thrown out. Thanks.
i'm married, have a wonderful, but "unbelieving" wife.
i have three kids, all of whom are honor students and very responsible.. now my dilemma: none of my kids are the least bit interested in being jw's.
i took them all to meetings even as babies without the help of my wife or anyone else in the congregation.
I have slowly been coming to this conclusion myself.
While there are many JW's who are truly Christian, there are also many who are anything but. Likewise, there are those following different faiths who embody the principles that make up true Christians.
I honestly feel that Jehovah will hold each of us accountable for our actions and our hearts....not because of what church we attend.
simon i'm sorry i don't mean to rain on your parade but you have to remember the society and your local elders watch for stuff like that.
this is a very liberal board as far as discussions go and forever thankful for that, but you have to be careful because you could face a jd meeting.
i'm sure everyone is well aware that some posts on this board just wouldn't go over to well with the society.
Seven, I've always felt the same way. I could never quite get it when the talks would be given castigating other religions for providing food, clothing, and medical care to third-world peoples. It was always pointed out that JW's were giving these people "everlasting life" by placing magazines with them and studying with them, but the other religions were just providing for material things in this life.
Presumably, asking these people for money to buy literature was SO much better than giving them food to keep them alive. To me, it just seemed that the WTBTS was awfully cheap. They just didn't want to spend any of their millions to help people materially.
the latest wt questions from readers on blood.
fractions of all "primary" components are now allowed?.
is this saying that everything is allowed except when they're combined together?
The latest WT Questions from Readers on blood. Fractions of all "primary" components are now allowed?
Is this saying that everything is allowed except when they're combined together? We can eat sugar, flour, eggs, butter, and vanilla...but not the completed cake?
Someone help me out here.
hahaha got your attention didnt i...actually i am not going for a couple of weeks, going to have family here that i only see for a few weeks out of the year......i might not be on here much, but i will check back in once in awhile...hugs to everyone.. say lets plan a "im not sure party?
" hehe well wanna?
Well, Frenchy, it looks as if your reputation has gotten around. :)
Have a good time Grandma!